[ˌti:el'si:][ˌti: el ˈsi:]

abbr.tender loving care 温柔的体贴

  • And TLC fluorescence scanning was used for content determination of Berberine Hydrochloride in the preparation .

    薄层 扫描荧光法测定了制剂中盐酸小檗碱的含量。

  • Methods The qualitative identification of Processed Radix Polygalae was studied by TLC .

    目的建立制远志 薄层 色谱和高效液相 色谱质量标准研究方法。

  • Objective To establish the analytical method of strychnine and brucine in Gukang tablet by TLC .

    目的建立 骨康片中士的宁和马钱子碱的含量测定方法。

  • Methods : Macroscopical identification ; microscopic character and TLC method were carried out .

    方法对苍耳草的性状特征、显微特征、 薄层 鉴别进行了观察和描述。

  • Objective To establish the quality distinction methods of LI-SU lotion by TLC and GC .

    目的建立立苏液的 薄层 色谱和气相色谱鉴别方法。

  • Method the TLC was used .

    方法 采用 薄层 色谱 鉴别

  • In Quality Standard research TLC was adopted to distinguish Liquorice and pawpaw .

    质量标准研究中 建立了甘草、木瓜的 薄层 鉴别 方法

  • METHODS Radix polygoni multiflori praeparatacum succo glycines sotae Radix paeoniae alba Radix astragali and Herba epimedii in Ruanmailing oral liquid was identified by TLC ;

    方法用 薄层色谱法对处方中制何首乌、白芍、黄芪和淫羊藿进行定性 鉴别

  • Methods The superfine pulverizing technique TLC amino acids analysis and comparative test were employed .

    方法采用超微粉碎技术,并对普通粉和超微粉 进行 薄层 鉴别和氨基酸分析对比试验。

  • Researching on the Stability of Radix rehmanniae preparata with TLC Fingerprint

    薄层 色谱指纹图谱对熟地黄质量稳定性的研究

  • Objective To develop an TLC method for the determination of trichosanthin Citrullin content from different habitats .

    目的 采用 薄层 色谱 扫描法测定不同产地天花粉中瓜氨酸的含量,建立瓜氨酸的含量测定方法。

  • Objective : To improve a TLC identification condition for Glabrous Sarcandra Herb to enhance its sensitivity .

    前言:目的:优化九节茶 薄层 鉴别 色谱条件,以提高鉴别的灵敏度。

  • Methods Under the various separating condition the anticoagulating active components of scorpion were appraised with thin layer chromatography ( TLC ) and paper chromatography .

    方法用不同的展开剂, 采用 薄层 色谱 和纸层析法对全蝎抗凝活性成分进行鉴定和分析。

  • The reactant Triglycerides and cottonseed oil biodiesel were quality and qualitative analysis by TLC method combined with HPLC firstly .

    并初次联合使用 薄层 层析 色谱和高效液相色谱定性定量分析棉籽油和棉籽油生物柴油。

  • Methods Radix Scrophulariae Herba Sarcandrae in XiaoYanling Tablets were identified by TLC .

    方法用 薄层 色谱 鉴别玄参、肿节风;

  • OBJECTIVE To establish a TLC scanning ( TLCS ) method for determination of genistein and daidzein .

    目的建立染料木素和大豆苷原的 薄层扫描测定方法。

  • In this paper the optimum developing system of TLC of Potentilla Discolor Bunge 's methanol extracts were studied by the uniform design method .

    采用均匀设计法对翻白草甲醇提取物的石油醚和氯仿萃取组分的 薄层 展开 进行了优化选择。

  • Methods : Rhizoma Chuanxiong Radix Angelicae Sinensis Radix Angelicae Dahuricae and Flos Carthami were identified by TLC .

    方法:用 TLC 对川芎、当归、白芷和红花进行了鉴别。

  • Method : Selecting optimum TLC conditions .

    方法: 薄层 色谱 进行条件选择。

  • The extractive rate of astragaloside A determined by TLC was used as the marker of detection .

    方法采用正交试验法,以 薄层 扫描 测定黄芪甲苷的浸出率为评价指标。

  • Methods The presence of Rhizoma Corydalis Radix Angelicae Dahuricae Rhizoma Cyperi were identified by TLC .

    方法采用 薄层 色谱 对伤痛宁片中延胡索、白芷、香附等 进行 定性 鉴别

  • Methods Use the TLC distinguishing method to distinguish the Rhizoma Cibotii Caulis SapthoLoBi of the PenYan Keli .

    方法采用 薄层 色谱法对处方中的狗脊和鸡血藤等药材进行鉴别。

  • Results Radix Codonopsis Radix Ophiopogonis and Radix Rehmanniae could be detected by TLC .

    结果 薄层 色谱中能明显地检出党参、麦冬、地黄。

  • OBJECTIVE : To simultaneously determine the contents of paracetamol and caffeine in999Ganmaoling granules with TLC .

    目的:用 薄层 扫描 同时测定三九感冒灵冲剂中对乙酰氨基酚及咖啡因的含量。

  • Methods The TLC method was used to identify Sanleng Baizhi Wumei .

    方法采用 TLC法对三棱、白芷、乌梅进行鉴别试验。

  • Methods : the effecctive components in herbs were identified by tlc .

    方法:用 薄层 色谱 鉴别制剂中草药的有效成分。

  • Chemical composition in live snakegall and snakegall was compared by TLC and UV Contents of bile acid and amino acids in live snakegall were found to be same as those in snakegall .

    薄层 层析和紫外光谱分析方法,对活蛇胆汁和蛇胆汁化学成分进行了比较,结果,活蛇胆汁与蛇胆汁中胆汁酸及氨基酸类成分一致。