title of ownership

[ˈtaɪtl ʌv ˈonɚˌʃɪp][ˈtaitl ɔv ˈəunəʃip]

[法] 所有权赁证,所有权状

  • The author of this paper thinks that the retention of title has not only the function of the security but also the nature of ownership and is a special ownership for security .

    本文认为, 所有权保留既有担保 之功能,又具有 所有权的特点,是一种特殊的担保性权利。

  • Whatever the title the GM is the top executive of the hotel reporting to ownership either directly or through operational or regional officers .

    不管是何 头衔,总经理是宾馆的最高行政官员,直接或通过业务主管或地区主管向 所有权 拥有 汇报。

  • Meanwhile the author discusses the legal nature of retention of title many theories of international scholars for ownership horizon and distinguish the two big vision security rights under the dividing line between the theoretical contributions to introduce these theories and analyzed their defects .

    同时论述了 所有权保留的法律性质,将各国学者的诸多学说区分为 所有权视野下和担保权视野下两大分野,在介绍这些学说的理论贡献的同时,还分析了它们的缺陷。

  • A title to goods isn 't like a bill of lading . The title deed is the document which proves ownership of the goods .

    所谓物权凭证,乃是证明货物 所有权的一种单据。

  • Furthermore our country issued the registration of house title regulations early . The ordinance emphasized the requirements that the national territory & housing administration should do the files management of the house ownership information well and the file management should realize archives electronic computerization .

    而且,我国在很早就在颁布了《房屋 权属登记条例》,在该条例中重点强调了国土房管局要做好房屋 权属信息的档案管理,档案的管理实现档案电子信息化的要求。

  • In the1970s when territorial rights were being threatened by logging and migrant settlers the tribe sought to obtain a legal title and formal recognition of their land ownership .

    在1970年代,采矿业威胁部族人民的土地权益,他们提出诉求,希望自己的土地 拥有 权能获得法律上正式认可。

  • The definition of traditional retention of title in civil law is in a narrow sense and only means the simple retention of title . A Comparative Study on the Legislation of Retention of Ownership

    传统民法上的所有权保留的定义是狭义上的,仅指简单的 所有权保留。海峡两岸 所有权保留制度立法之比较研究&兼评我国《合同法》第134条之改进

  • Can the title deed of house title of house ownership and state-owned land use permit be handled together ?

    纳税人:请问 证、房屋 所有 权证和国有土地使用证可以一起办理吗?

  • However although countries have taken note of the importance of transfer of title in the international trade the time of transfer of ownership is still not unified .

    然而,各国虽然都注意到了国际贸易中 所有权转移的重要性,对 所有权转移的时间却不统一,这为后文 分析各国对 所有权转移时间的规定 讨论其各自的合理性问题作下铺垫。