top border

[tɑp ˈbɔrdɚ][tɔp ˈbɔ:də]

[计] 顶端边框

  • The angle of lateral deviation from the sagittal median line which crossed coracoid process to the top of orbital opening s lateral border was 26 . 39 ± 1.87 ° and 26 . 63 ± 2.84 ° to cranial opening 's.

    眶口和颅口外 缘与自喙突的正中矢状线的外偏角分别为 26.39±1.87°和26.63±2.84°。

  • Studys on the pathways of mandibular border movements showed that intercuspal position ( ICP ) is the top point of border movement .

    对下颌边缘运动轨迹的研究表明,下颌 边缘运动的 最高点为ICP。

  • America 's top military officer says he is encouraged by Pakistani actions to quell violence along the border with Afghanistan .

    美国军方 高级官员说,他对巴基斯坦为平息巴基斯坦与阿富汗 边境 地区的暴力所采取的行动感到鼓舞。

  • Left-Increase the generated box 's top margin so that the top border edge is below the bottom margin edge of any left float boxes generated from previous source elements .

    left-增加所生成框的上边框,以便 borderedge处于由之前的源元素所生成的任一左浮动框的底marginedge之下。

  • Top military and civilian officials in Pakistan have strongly protested a U.S.ground raid last month against a suspected militant target on Pakistani territory near the Afghan border .

    巴基斯坦军方和民事 高级官员强烈抗议上个月美国对巴基斯坦靠近阿富汗 边界领域里的一个可疑的激进分子目标发动地面突袭。

  • On top of this India says China is illegally administering around 5 kilometers of land that Islamabad ceded to Beijing as part of a 1963 border agreement .

    之外,印度称中国非法管理着长约5200公里的土地。巴基斯坦在1963年中巴双方签署的 边境协定中将这部分土地确认为中国领土。

  • A top UN official says Lebanese officials have made it clear the arms are still coming across the border but the UN cannot confirm where they are from .

    联合国一名 高级官员称黎巴嫩政府官员已经确认这些武器正在运输 途中,但是联合国还不能肯定这些武器是从哪里来的。

  • The plates are moving and this includes the Arabian Plate which will turn its pointed top to grind through Iraq pushing central and eastern Iraq into the mountains along the border with Iran .

    板块在移动,包括了阿拉伯板块,它的 顶端将会碾过伊拉克,把伊拉克中部和东部推进与伊朗 接壤的山区。

  • As dawn breaks on top of a mountain near the China-Vietnam border hundreds of water-filled rice terraces reveal themselves clinging to the mountainside in geometric patterns in every direction .

    当中越 边境附近那座高山的 山巅上曙光初现之时,几百片水稻梯田也就呈现在了我们的视野当中,这些几何图案的梯田分布在山脚的四面八方。

  • Skin biopsy revealed that papule contained cornoid lamellae on the top of the raised border .

    皮肤活检显示丘疹的 边缘隆起处有角化不全 鸡眼样板。

  • Select the column that you want to delete by clicking its top gridline or top border .

    通过单击要删除的列的上网格线或 边框来选择该列。

  • The shortest distance from the top of jugular bulb to the inferior border of IAC was ( 3.03 ± 1.93 ) mm ;

    颈静脉球 到内听道下 的距离:(3.03±1.93)mm;

  • The hit test succeeded in the top and right border intersection .

    边框和右 边框的交点成功进行了点击测试。