top product

[tɑp ˈprɑdəkt][tɔp ˈprɔdʌkt]


  • But the rings are his top product : he makes them for $ 2 each and sells them for $ 3-4 as part of a wholesale order – a profit margin of up to 100 per cent .

    但这款戒指是他的 主打 产品:每件成本为2美元,批发价为3美元至4美元,利润率高达100%。

  • During the first Sprint Planning Meeting she sat at the back of the room working on email as the Team completed the task breakdown for a big feature at the top of the Product Backlog .

    第一个Sprint规划会议期间,团队为在 产品Backlog 顶部的一个大型功能进行任务分解时,她坐在会议室后面处理email。

  • According to the application request of the display color correction equipment setup the USB port and the USB port cover at the top of product to satisfy its use .

    针对显示器校色设备的应用需求,在 产品 顶部设置USB线孔和满足使用状态的USB线孔盖子。

  • The top product of world only made in our factor .

    世界 首创,独家 生产

  • The stories at the top of your product backlog should be researched enough to be presented without ambiguity to your team at the sprint planning meeting .

    在你们 产品的backlog 的故事应该要充分调研,在sprint计划会议上介绍给团队时,要没有歧义。

  • The framework itself is built using Spring running on top of GigaSpaces'core product the eXtreme Application Platform ( XAP ) .

    这个网站所使用的框架是运行在GigaSpaces的核心 产品eXtreme应用平台( XAP)之上的Spring。

  • Along with the unceasing research a series of crucial technical problems of inversion welder has gotten solution that will cause floodgate tube inversion welder soon quit market IGBT inversion welder has become the top choice of product for users .

    随着研究的不断深入,逆变焊机的一系列关键技术问题已得到解决,并导致晶闸管逆变焊机即将退出市场,IGBT逆变焊机已成为用户的 首选 产品

  • Our company since its inception and always give top priority to product quality .

    格锐公司自创立以来,始终把 产品质量 首位

  • The aim was to know shape structure polymorphism of chromosome and performance to analyse differences of cytogenetical level and performance and to provide basic data for processing top grade meat product and becoming medical experimental animals .

    旨在了解两者染色体形态、结构、多态性及生产性能,并分析二者在细胞遗传水平上和生产性能方面的差异,为剑白香猪作 高档产品加工及医用实验动物提供基础数据。

  • Top management shall review the product realization processes and the support processes to assure their effectiveness and efficiency .

    高层管理者应该监视 产品实现过程和辅助过程,以确保其有效性和效率。

  • When the quantity of make up feeding is about 1 / 20 of formaldehyde quantity in the feed the top product purity will be the highest .

    背包反应器补充进料量约为进料甲醛摩尔量的1/20时, 塔顶 产品甲缩醛纯度最高。

  • From the industrial practice it is shown that the design features correct flowsheet and technical concept rational selection of equipment and assures top class In ingot product .

    实践证明,本设计工艺流程和技术方案正确,选用的设备合理, 产出 铟锭达到了国家一级标准。

  • Postscript : in addition to the above relevant products we will also paste respectively special symbols on every product who has won Chinese well-known trademark China top brand product Guangdong well-known trademark and Guangdong top brand product .

    备注:除上述相关产品外,届时将对每个获得“中国驰名商标”、“中国 名牌 产品”、“广东省驰名商标”、“广东省名牌产品”的产品都加贴专门的标志。

  • New Business to be run to International Standards & best business practices producing top quality product at affordable prices .

    新的企业将会按照国际标准及最好的商业惯例来运作,以优惠的价格来打造 最高品质的 产品

  • There is however a way to bypass this whole process : start a company that gets noticed by zuck or his top managers for its product its speed and of course its own hacker ethos .

    但是,有一个方法可以让你绕开整个招聘流程:那就是成立一家初创公司,并用 产品和发展速度来吸引扎克伯格或其他 高管的注意,当然黑客精神也依然必不可少。

  • Hydroxy-based resin as film-forming composition butoxy melamine as crosslinking agent were incorporated with aluminium / silver slurry directional agnet and anti-settling agent into metallic paint for automotive wheel hub in addition to clear top as its kitting product .

    选择适宜的含羟基树脂作为主要成膜物质,丁氧基三聚氰胺作为交联剂,再配以铝银浆及定向助剂、防沉剂,配制成汽车轮毂用金属闪光漆,以及与其相 配套 光清漆。

  • The key technologies of design for assembly such as top down product design evaluation of assembly performance of the product assembly features assembly process planning digital preceding assembly assembly tolerance synthesizing and analyzing mechanism motion synthesizing and analyzing are discussed .

    论述了面向装配的设计方法的关键技术问题,如 自顶向下 产品设计、产品装配结构装配性能分析、数字化预装配、产品装配序列规划、装配公差综合与分析、机构运动综合与分析。

  • Complex column is applied in batch extractive distillation the purity of the top product is over 95 % .

    采用复合式精馏塔实现了萃取精馏的间歇操作, 塔顶 产品物质的量分数达95%以上。

  • The results of simulation calculation and the analysis of operation sensitivity showed that the primary influence factors on separation accuracy of the tower were the top product output and the next was the plate efficiency and reflux ratio .

    模拟计算结果及对操作灵敏度的分析表明: 塔顶产出量对丙烯精馏塔分离精度的影响最明显,其次是塔板效率和回流比;

  • The other is enhance research of Chinese traditional design in house culture design and develop out the top - grade product in house of world that vogue adopting the Chinese traditional technical skill thus promote the development of the Chinese household - use textile product industry .

    另一方面应当加强对中国传统家纺设计文化的研究,设计开发出具有时代性和时尚性的采用中国传统技艺制作的世界 一流家纺 产品,以促进中国家用纺织品行业的发展。

  • In spray drying a droplet of slurry of CaOH is introduced from the top and a dry product results after its contact with flue gas .

    在喷淋干燥法中,氢氧化钙浆状物的液滴从燃烧炉的 顶部加入,与燃烧废气接触后,变为干燥

  • User experience as a top priority of product design more and more companies focused on user-oriented so the user research to ensure product success as a major weapon .

    用户体验成为 产品设计的 重,越来越多的企业注重以用户为导向,用户研究成为保证产品成功的一大利器。

  • The 1420 aluminum alloy is a kind of special deep forging . And it is used widely in Space and Air industry . However there still exists the fact of the serious variance of the top and bottom thickness of the product .

    1420A1-Li合金锻件是西南铝加工厂 生产的一种特深模锻件,在航天航空工业 有十分重要的用途。

  • We can not only provide the top quality product but also assure you the best price in China on the basic of the equal condition as well .

    我们不能只提供 优质的 产品,而且还向你保证,以最好的价格在中国就基本的平等条件。

  • Risheng always sticks to the development tenet Abide by enterprise innovation Pursue continuous improvement Manufacture top product .

    “坚持企业创新,追求持续完善,制造 一流 产品”是上海日盛电气有限公司一贯坚持的发展宗旨。

  • China 's top brand product is not a strict law concept which is hardly receiving judicial protection just like well-known trademark and well-known trademark is famous brand .

    中国 名牌 产品不是一个严格的法律概念,难以得到像驰名商标那样的法律保护,而驰名商标乃是无可非议的名牌。

  • In China two models have been adopted to develop the brand one is the well-known trademark evaluating and the other is China 's top brand product evaluating .

    本文认为,目前中国品牌培育主要采取两种模式:一是驰名商标认定,二是中国 名牌 产品评定。