top seal

[tɑp sil][tɔp si:l]


  • The blast furnace top with two bells and one seal valve is a better bell-valve type top in com-parison with other ones .

    双钟一阀式 炉顶是一种较好的钟阀式 炉顶

  • Pack with film top seal bottom seal and back seal by automatic bag making machine .

    包装材料用卷膜,机器自动制袋为 、下封加背面封口。

  • Enter top phonemaker Samsung which has created an enterprise-ready seal of approval dubbed safe .

    为此, 高端手机制造商三星(Samsung)创造了一种名为 SAFE的认可标志,来标示适用于企业的产品。

  • Small faults and branch faults on the top termination of large faults are of lithology seal . The characteristics of hydrocarbon distribution along both of them are different .

    小断层和大断层在 层的分支断层都为岩性 封闭 ,但二者的油气分布特征有所不同。

  • And Punch someone came up with the bright idea of sticking a tin cup on top of a glass and shaking with ice which forms a seal .

    他说,最后有人想出了一个聪明的主意,在玻璃杯口附一个锡杯, 加冰摇晃,形成一个 密封罐。

  • On cavitation and cavitation erosion test stand slit cavitation flow tests in a 1:1 slice model of the top seal of eccentric-hinge radial gate installed at the flushing tunnel of Xiaolangdi hydro-junction on Huanghe River were carried out .

    在空化空蚀试验台上,对黄河小浪底水利枢纽排沙洞偏心铰弧形闸门 水封的1:1切片,进行缝隙空穴流试验。

  • As the full bag is transported under the top sealing unit two plate block the film and the welding bars close to seal the bag .

    由于满口袋是在 顶部的密封装置下运输,两个弹簧片挡住了薄膜以及焊接棒从而 密封袋子。

  • Among the disclosures were that the filmmakers had access to top White House officials were given the identity of a SEAL team member involved in the raid and taken to the top-secret vault where the raid was planned .

    这些公开的信息提到:电影制作人接触了白宫 高级官员,确认了其中一名参与突击行动的 海豹队队员的身份,同时还被带到策划突击行动的绝密密室。

  • Design Method of Top Seal Box for Subcritical Boiler

    亚临界锅炉 顶盖 密封盒的设计方法

  • The top of the Great Seal pyramid shows an eye-in-triangle which has been associated with Sirius the Eye of God the pineal gland and the Illuminati .


  • The abroad development and application of material TOP SEAL are introduced .

    介绍了 TOP-SEAL材料在国外的发展及应用情况;

  • The importance function structure design erection of top seal box for subcritical boiler is introduced .

    介绍了亚临界参数锅炉 屋顶 密封盒的重要性、功能、结构设计与安装方法。