top pressure

[tɑp ˈprɛʃɚ][tɔp ˈpreʃə]


  • By taking the measurements such as improving the quality of charge ore increasing the blast kinetic energy strengthening the repair and the maintenance of furnace top equipments as well as the operation the furnace top pressure can be improved and good economic benefit gained .

    天铁炼铁分厂高炉通过改善入炉矿质量,增加鼓风动能,加强炉顶设备的检修与维护以及加强高炉操作等措施来提高 炉顶 压力,取得了良好的经济效果。

  • The paper mainly introduces the principle and process flow of TRT ( Top Pressure Recovery Turbine ) for which CS3000 ( CS3000 DCS control system ) is applied successfully .

    文章主要介绍了 TRT的工作原理和工艺流程,并成功地将CS3000集散控制系统应用于TRT,实现了TRT的自动控制过程。

  • We established the control and experimental system for research and test of TRT top pressure stability and solve the problem of the blast furnace top pressure successfully .

    同时首创性地设计和建造了TRT装置模拟试验台,并制定了TRT装置 稳定性问题的实验方案;

  • Research and application of the top pressure recovery turbine unit control for blast furnace

    高炉炉顶 透平发电控制研究与应用

  • This paper applied fault diagnosis technology to achieve the protection to the unit avoids unnecessary parking which caused by the blast furnace top pressure increases instantaneous . It provides strong support to ensure long-term safe and stable smooth running and increase economic benefits to TRT .

    本文应用故障诊断技术实现了对机组的保护,避免了因高炉 瞬间增大而导致的不必要停车,为保证高炉TRT长期安全、稳定、顺行以及提高经济效益等提供了有力支持。

  • By integrating each unit model based on material balance relationship and blast furnace gas producing process empirical formula the dynamic mathematical model of the TRT system top pressure was deduced .

    结合基于高炉煤气生成过程经验公式和物料平衡关系的各单元模型,推导出TRT系统的高炉 动态数学模型。

  • The control and experimental system for research and test of TRT top pressure stability is established firstly .

    设计并制造了 TRT装置的模拟试验台,并成功地进行了项 稳定性的控制软件的模拟试验。

  • Thus high top pressure promotes development of large blast furnace .

    因此, 高压促进高炉大型化的发展。

  • To realize high precision control of top pressure the dynamic mathematical model of top gas pressure recovery turbine ( TRT ) system was researched .

    为实现高炉 的高精度控制,提出了高炉煤气余压透平装置(TRT)系统炉顶压力的动态数学模型。

  • The top pressure is one of the most important parameters in the blast furnace control system .

    在高炉的控制参数中, 炉顶 压力是非常重要的参数之一。

  • To overcome the considerable fluctuation strong coupling and nonlinearity of the blast furnace Fuzzy Algorithm is used to improve the original PID controller and the hybrid control method based on fuzzy-PID is proposed in this paper to design the blast furnace top pressure control system .

    本文针对华菱涟源钢铁公司2200m3高炉 压波动大、强耦合、严重非线性的问题,利用模糊算法,对原有的PID控制器进行改进,设计了基于模糊PID混合控制算法的高炉 炉顶 压力控制系统。

  • The third difficulty is the control for the top pressure of blast furnace .

    难点之三是 控制。

  • Furthermore the effects of tower top pressure temperatures of tower top and bottom reflux ratio on product purity were analyzed .

    同时探讨了 塔顶 压强、塔顶和塔釜温度、回流比变化对产品纯度的影响,获得了试验条件下的最佳操作条件。

  • In metallurgy industry especially in iron and steel industry Bischoff scrubber has been adopted by many large-scale blast furnace because of the high performance on top pressure control and well gas cleaning ability .

    在冶金行业中,Bischoff除尘系统以其良好的 炉顶 压力控制能力和高质量的对高炉煤气的洗涤能力被新建的许多大型高炉所采用。

  • Design and Application of TRT Control Top Pressure System of Blast Furnace

    TRT控制高炉 系统在高炉中的设计与应用

  • The technique and control system of the Top Pressure Recovery Turbine Unit ( TRT ) system are introduced .

    介绍了高炉 炉顶透平发电装置(TRT)的工艺流程和控制系统配置。

  • The smelting process was strengthened by using high top pressure high pressure drop large blowing rate reduced tuyere section and enhanced blasting velocity .

    采取高 、高压差、大风量、缩小风口直径、提高风速和鼓风动能等措施进一步强化冶炼;

  • Control System of Furnace Top Pressure of TRT for No.4 Blast Furnace

    攀钢4~高炉TRT的 炉顶 压力控制系统

  • Through the features analysis of the butterfly valve and control valves group and with the application in control of top pressure as an example an advanced control method is introduced .

    通过对蝶阀和调节阀组的特性分析及 炉顶 压力控制应用举例,介绍了一种较新的调节手段。

  • Optimizing Purification Process to Stabilize Blast Furnace Top Pressure and to Achieve TRT Generating Capacity

    优化净化工艺确保高炉 稳定及TRT发电达产

  • Superwide suspension basket design and top pressure test of one cable-stayed bridge in Zhejiang

    浙江某斜拉桥 宽挂篮设计及 试验

  • With strong ability of top pressure controlling and dust removing Bischoff tower has been widely used in iron and steel industry .

    比肖夫塔以良好的 控制能力和除尘能力在钢铁冶金行业中得到了广泛的应用。

  • 350 m3 blast furnace is analyzed systemically by using six sigma management tools . The essential reasons of influencing pig iron silica content are found out . They are coal ratio material charge furnace top pressure coke ash and charging system .

    利用六西格玛管理提供的工具,对铸管公司1350m3高炉的生铁含硅量进行了系统分析,找出了影响生铁含硅量的根本原因是煤比、料批、 炉顶 压力、焦炭灰分及料制。

  • TRT Device on the Influence of Blast Furnace Top Pressure and Control

    TRT装置对高炉 炉顶 压力的影响和控制

  • Top pressure recovery turbine and its recovery system for blast furnace

    高炉 炉顶发电机型和回收系统的选用

  • The top pressure of HP column was controlled by adjusting the feed flow rate to LP FLP .

    在这个控制方案中,HP塔的 塔顶 压力的控制通过调节LP塔进料量来实现。

  • Besides it improves the regulation quality of BF top pressure reduces pressure losses occurred at control angle of speed regulation valve . Therefore the turbine is capable of recovering more pressure energy .

    而且,它改善了高炉 炉顶 压力的调节品质,减少了原来在调速阀控制角度上的压力的消耗,使透平机能够回收到更高的压力能。

  • The main job of this thesis is to use high purity Fe powder and Si powder according to the stoichiometric ratio mixed in domestic six sides high temperature and high pressure on top pressure on synthesis .

    本论文利用高纯Fe粉和Si粉按非化学计量比混合,在国产六面 压机上进行高温高压合成。

  • In order to stabilize the top pressure of the blast furnace during TRT operation a feedback control loop which can be initialized is used in the adjustable static blade control and a perfect control result is achieved in practical application .

    为了达到在TRT运行过程中稳定 炉顶 压力的目的,在可调静叶控制中使用了一种可初始化的回馈计算回路,取得了很好的控制效果。