top right corner

[tɑp raɪt ˈkɔrnɚ][tɔp rait ˈkɔ:nə]


  • If you are not in the PHP perspective click the icon with a plus symbol on the top right corner of the window to change perspectives .

    如果目前不在PHP透视图中,请单击窗口 的加号图标来切换透视图。

  • In the pattern editing canvas press Done Editing in the top right corner . This saves the changes you have made to the pattern and close the editor .

    在模式编辑画布中,点击 的Doneediting,这将保存您所做的模式更改并关闭编辑器。

  • A link to see All comments is available in the top right corner .


  • Access these options by clicking the top right corner of the widget to open the action menu .

    通过单击小部件的 可以打开动作菜单,从而访问这些选项。

  • Large Dragons 1ca imperforate horizontal pair with top right corner margins rare VF-F.

    大龙邮票1分银横双连无齿样票,带 直角边,少见,上中品。

  • Hint : to create a light source on the cloud simply paint over the same position a few times . ( In this case it 's top right corner )

    提示;要让云彩有光感,只需在同一处多点几次云彩笔刷(见 图片

  • From aspect of hydrodynamics the top right corner of KKT matrix M is often semi-positive sometimes the factor F is given directly .

    从计算流体力学角度看, KKT系统 中右 矩阵M一般是半正定的,有时直接给出的是它的因子F,所以我们研究F。

  • Clicking on the Data tab on the top right corner of the graph provides the statistics of each individual of the pie chart .

    单击图 的Data选项卡,就会看到统计数据。

  • On various entries in the file a checklist of top FBI brass appears in the top right corner with initials next to some names .

    在这些文件的好几个目录页上, 附有一个联邦调查局高级负责人的名单,包括缩写和一些名字。

  • Select Wizards > Manage a new service from the drop-down list in the top right corner of the UI .

    从UI 的下拉列表中选择Wizards>Manageanewservice。

  • Alternatively if you want to work with it in a different location simply undock it by clicking the undock icon in the top right corner of the view .

    或者,如果您想在另一个位置使用它,只需单击视图 的取消停靠图标来取消停靠。

  • You should see the flash-card screen roll down from the top right corner stay for a bit then roll back up .

    应该可以看到flash-card屏幕从 滚下,停留一会儿,然后又向上滚回。

  • At any given point in time the user can choose a database or the IDS server using the option provided at the top right corner of the screen .

    用户可以在任何时候使用屏幕 的选项选择数据库或IDS服务器。

  • Before beginning ensure that you are developing in the PHP perspective by checking the name in the top right corner of the window .

    在开始开发之前,要检查窗口 的透视图名称,确保是在PHP透视图中进行开发。

  • Determined by the common playing style the both sides soon carried out a cut and thrust on the top right corner .

    由于棋风使然,双方很快在 棋盘 展开“肉搏战”。

  • The Logging and Tuning settings can be edited in this section as well by clicking on the Set properties icon in the top right corner of the Settings pane .

    通过单击Settings窗格 的Setproperties图标,也可以在该部分编辑Logging和Tuning设置。

  • For your application you want it to show in the top right corner .

    对于您的应用程序,您希望它显示在 屏幕

  • In the Viewer portlet there is an action button () in the top right hand corner .

    在查看器portlet中, 有一个action按钮。

  • In the top right corner @ I say .


  • Troubleshooting tip : If the toolkit freezes or becomes non-responsive at any point do not hesitate to shut it down using the X in the top right corner of the toolkit .

    故障排除技巧:如果工具箱冻结运行或者无法响应,那么要立刻使用工具箱 的“X”按钮退出。

  • For those who want to keep a record of their Google searches clicking the settings button on the top right corner can download the database .

    想要保存个人全部谷歌搜索数据的话,只要点击 的设置键进行下载即可。

  • While inside a Local map you will notice that you can navigate out of the Local map back to the parent mapping by using the'Up a level'icon () in the top right corner of the mapping area .

    您在Localmap中将会发现可以导航到Localmap之外,通过使用映射区域 的“Upalevel”图标()可以回到父级映射。

  • In the top right corner of the Hosting Control Center you will see the Welcome : field which displays your FTP username to the right .

    在控制中心的主机 你会看到欢迎:字段,显示您的FTP用户名的权利。

  • Please write your address on the top right hand corner when you write a letter .


  • Tangential contact stress and slip distance on the wall of the top of window junction of vertical and horizontal wall and lower right corner of door where mortar joint cracks easily are the largest .

    门窗 上边的墙体、纵横墙连接处、门 的接触切向应力以及砌块之间的滑移最大,灰缝容易从此处开裂。

  • At the top right corner of the editor select the Manage applied transformations checkbox .

    在编辑器的 ,选择Manageappliedtransformations复选框。

  • By default the key is in the top right corner ; but if it is interfering with your graph you can place the key elsewhere & even outside the graph if you wish .

    默认情况下,关键字在 ;但是如果它妨碍了图,可以将关键字放到其他位置&如果愿意,甚至可以放到图外。

  • In the top right corner of the postcard .
