


  • The white and blue crystals of topaz are large often weighing thousands of carats .

    这些白色或蓝色的 黄玉晶体很大,常常有数千克拉重。

  • The value of a topaz is largely determined by its quality . But color is also important : blue topaz for instance is often irradiated to deepen and improve its color .


  • This is my first attempt for a Multi-Lang translation of my Topaz ROMs so Bugs might exist .

    这是我第一次尝试了多郎翻译我的 黄玉光盘等可能存在的缺陷。

  • Though considered a precious gemstone Topaz is not a radiant one like the diamond nor does it has the mysterious meaning like the emerald .


  • Citrine and topaz birthstone rings come in a variety of shapes and sizes .

    黄水晶和 黄玉诞生石戒指来在不同的形状和大小。

  • After slipping the watch back on my wrist I transferred wallet cigarettes and lighter took the dungarees aboard the Topaz and snapped the padlock on the companion hatch .

    把手表带回手腕后,我转移了钱包,香烟和打火机。登上 托帕斯拿了工装服,拍的一声把挂锁挂上舱口。

  • Take a look at this bracelet . It's18K rose-gold studded with amethyst and blue topaz .

    看看这个手镯,是18K玫瑰金的,镶有水晶和蓝 水晶

  • Blue topaz is often sold as aquamarine and a variety of brown quartz is widely sold as topaz .

    蓝色的 水晶常被作为海蓝宝石出售,许多种棕色石英被当做黄水晶广为贩卖。

  • The golden variety of precious topaz is quite uncommon .

    金色的贵 黄玉品种非常罕见。

  • The best-known precious topaz gems range in color from rich yellow to light brown or pinkish red .

    最出名的贵 黄玉有各种颜色,如深黄色、淡棕色、浅红色等。

  • Gem topaz is valuable .

    宝石级 黄玉价值不菲。

  • Topaz is one of the hardest gem minerals .


  • The topaz of Cush cannot compare with it ; it cannot be bought with pure gold .

    雇士的 黄玉不足与她相比,纯金也不能与她较量。

  • Irradiation : It is common to irradiate Aquamarine London Blue Topaz Emerald and Diamond as well as other stones .

    辐射:是很常见的照射海蓝宝,伦敦蓝 黄玉,翡翠,钻石及其他宝石。

  • Is most precious by Baiyu and the topaz .

    以白玉和 黄玉最贵重。

  • Most of the worlds topaz is white or blue .

    世界上大多数的 黄玉是白色或蓝色的。

  • This isnt the first time DiCaprio has partied aboard the Topaz . Earlier this year he was joined by Jamie Foxx and Orlando Bloom for an 80s-themed bash aboard the yacht in New York .

    这已经不是小李第一次在 托帕 上聚会了,今年早些时候在纽约,他在游艇上参加了一个杰米福克斯和奥兰多布鲁姆举办的80年代主题庆典。

  • Mr Shor believes that sales of untreated sapphires and emeralds will continue to shine in 2014 as will appetite for tanzanite topaz spinels and citrines .

    肖尔相信,未加工的蓝宝石和祖母绿的销售将在2014年继续保持强劲,坦桑石、 宝石、尖晶石和黄水晶的需求也是如此。

  • But color is also important : blue topaz for instance is often irradiated to deepen and improve its color .

    举例来说,蓝色的 黄水晶常需放射处理以加深和改善其颜色。

  • Explain : The Topaz is light blue color the mica is pink color with little purple color .

    说明: 黄玉颜色为淡蓝色,云母为粉红带点点紫色。

  • Topaz is a hard transparent mineral .


  • The Sanjiang area is rich in resources of gem jade stones such as aquamarine tourmaline topaz rock cristal almandine rose quartz white marble etc.

    三江地区宝玉石资源主要有海蓝宝石、碧玺、 黄玉、水晶、紫牙乌、芙蓉石、汉白玉等。

  • The value of a topaz is largely determined by its quality .

    黄水晶之价值很大程度上取决于其品质, 颜色也很重要。

  • Jewelers call this variety of the stone precious topaz .

    珠宝商把这种石头称为贵 黄玉

  • Natural gemstones are : olivine garnet Hailan Bao white topaz blue topaz amethyst topaz citrine ruby sapphire and so on .

    天然宝石主要有:橄榄石、石榴石、海兰宝、 白黄玉、兰黄玉、紫晶、黄晶、茶晶、红宝石、兰宝石等。

  • As the birthstone of November Topaz brings wisdom beauty and longevity to its wearer .

    而且作为十一月的生辰石, 托帕石能够赐予佩戴者智慧、美丽和健康长寿。

  • The impressive composition is enhanced with generously sized coloured stones – amethyst tourmaline citrine peridot and topaz .

    令人印象深刻的成分是加强与大尺寸的彩色宝石-紫水晶,碧玺,茶晶,橄榄石和 黄玉

  • Gem topaz is valuable . The quartz is much less brilliant and more plentiful than true topaz .

    黄水晶宝石价值不 。石英 光亮 远小于黄水晶,矿藏储量也远较黄水晶丰富。

  • I was born in November so my birthstone is Topaz .

    我出生于十一月,所以我的生辰石是 托帕

  • The topaz is extremely rare nature superior is not inferior to the semi-transparent jade .
