top executive

[tɑp ɪɡˈzɛkjətɪv][tɔp iɡˈzekjutiv]

[经] 总经理,董事长

  • Let 's imagine for a second a top executive of a computer company who has to deliver the news of a product delay to a major investor .

    让我们想象一下,一家电脑公司的 高级业务 主管要向他们的主要投资者传递新产品的讯息,但没有成功。

  • You 've probably heard your CEO or another top executive in your organization give an inspiring speech about agility .

    您也许听过CEO或组织中的其他 高级 管理 人员做过有关敏捷性的激动人心的演讲。

  • The Research on Effect of Top Executive Compensation Structure on Corporate Performance

    高管 人员薪酬结构对企业绩效的影响研究

  • After McDonald 's he joined Pfizer as general counsel in 2002 rising by 2005 to join the four-person top executive committee .

    离开麦当劳后,金德勒于2002年成为辉瑞总法律顾问,2005年升至四人 最高 执委会成员。

  • Making predictions about ROE is almost unprofessional says a top executive at a European bank .

    进行ROE预测几乎是不专业的,一家欧洲银行的 高管表示。

  • Last month a top executive at Exim Bank said it would not consider a public listing and had no plans to become a commercial entity .

    上月,中国进出口银行的一名 高管表示,该行不会考虑公开上市,也不打算成为一家商业性实体。

  • As a top executive operating official of the Family he rated the license .

    作为考利昂家族组织中 最高 执行官,他是配那样的持枪证的。

  • The structure of top executive pay has changed dramatically over the past decade .

    在过去10年中, 顶级 高管的薪酬结构发生了巨大的变化。

  • When there are serious public allegations involving a top executive however boards may have little choice but to take swift action he says .

    然而,他表示,当公开的严厉指控涉及 高层 管理 人士时,董事会也许别无选择,只能迅速采取行动。

  • When Peter first joined us we knew we were recruiting a top executive from business generally not just football .

    当肯扬刚刚加盟时,我们知道我们得到了一位充满足球和商业知识的 首席 执行

  • Even a former top executive of one of the miners conceded that true competition on pricing would be difficult to foster when the cost base was the same .

    甚至连其中一家矿商的一位前任 高管都承认,当成本基础相同时,将很难培育在定价上真正的竞争。

  • I work with a top executive and experienced speaker who struggles with his need for frequent water breaks .

    我曾遇到一位需要经常喝水,中断讲话的 高管,他经验非常丰富。

  • After leaving government Rubin landed at Citigroup as a top executive .

    离开华府后,鲁宾进入花旗体系做 高级 行政 主管

  • In the short run you need only to look at the impact of new CEO appointments on a company 's stock price to be reminded of how linked investment returns are to top executive talent .

    短期来说,你需要只看看新首席执行官任命对公司股票价格的影响就能得知投资回报和 最高 执行人才关系有多么大了。

  • Google is trying to balance the loss of search market share after its partial retreat from China by aggressively expanding the business of placing video and banner advertisements on other websites according to its top executive in the country .

    谷歌(Google)一 中国 高管表示,该公司正试图大举扩大在其它网站放置视频及标语广告(banner advertisements)的业务,来弥补部分撤离中国市场后丧失的搜索市场份额。

  • The Empirical Study about the Relation between Top Executive Payment and Enterprise Competence & Chinese Listed Companies as an Example


  • Whether it 's the CEO of a small to mid-size company or a top executive in a department of a large corporation their presence impacts the culture of the company or department .

    不论是中小企业的CEO或者是大公司某部门的 最高 执行 ,他们出现会影响企业文化或部门。

  • Walmart subsequently announced that its chief executive for China and its top executive for human resources in the country were resigning for personal reasons .

    沃尔玛随后宣布,该集团中国区首席执行官和一 负责人力资源的 高级副总裁因个人原因辞职。

  • A Study of Top Executive 's Pay Gap and Firm Performance Based on Endogeneity

    内生性视角下 高管 薪酬差距与公司业绩研究

  • Karen 's a top executive at a big engineering firm .

    凯伦是个工程公司的 高级 行政 人员

  • Hence the frenzied increase in top executive pay and bank bonuses .

    因此 高管薪酬和银行奖金疯狂地增长。

  • On Monday Walmart announced its chief executive for China and its top executive for human resources in the country were resigning for personal reasons .

    上周一沃尔玛宣布,其中国区 首席 执行官及人力资源负责人出于个人原因辞职。

  • Sokol is the longtime top executive who unexpectedly quit Berkshire ( BRKa ) last month amid questions about his trading in shares of a company Berkshire was acquiring .

    索科尔长期担任 公司 高管,上月,正当外界对他交易伯克希尔正在并购的一家公司的股票提出种种质疑之际,他出人意料地离开了伯克希尔公司。

  • Whatever the title the GM is the top executive of the hotel reporting to ownership either directly or through operational or regional officers .

    不管是何头衔,总经理是宾馆的 最高 行政官员,直接或通过业务主管或地区主管向所有权拥有者汇报。

  • As an experienced broker and working with top executive members of ( ICEP ) who are also my close associates I have all secret details and necessary contacts for claim of the funds without any hitch .

    作为一个有经验的经纪人和与 经理合作的谁也是我的亲密的同事的(ICEP)的成员,我有全部秘密细节和必要接触给资金没有任何故障的索赔。

  • Empirical Study on Relationship among Psychological Contract Collective Innovation and Performance in Top Executive Teams


  • Few doubt Mr Wang 's professional credentials : he holds a bachelor 's degree in management and a master 's in economics and has spent his entire career at NAC heading its finance and legal affairs before moving to the UK as NAC 's top executive .

    没什么人怀疑王宏彪的专业资历:他拥有管理学学士和经济学硕士学位,整个职业生涯都在南汽度过,在派驻英国之前,他是南汽负责财务和法律事务的 高管

  • A continuing surge in top executive pay is damaging the interests of British business in political economic and reputational terms .

    从政治、经济和声誉的角度来看, 顶级 高管薪酬的持续高涨都在损害英国的商业利益。

  • Bureaucrats everywhere fear to look stupid says a top executive at one Chinese investment arm .

    中国某投资机构的一位 高管表示:任何地方的官僚都担心显得愚蠢。