


  • The company 's lineup of laptops and computers contributed more to Apple 's top-line than the iPad as sales of the latter device tumbled 29 per cent in the latest quarter .

    今年一季度,苹果公司的笔记本和台式机对 营收的贡献大于iPad,后者销量大 29%。

  • Most important is that headquarters understands the equation that at least in the early years top-line growth in Brazil will not necessarily mean equivalent expansion of the bottom line .

    最为重要的是,公司总部了解这个等式:至少在最初几年,巴西的 收入增长不一定意味着利润同等扩张。

  • ' You can 't cut your way to prosperity . Investing in brands to drive top-line growth is critical . '

    他说,你不能 依靠削减 成本来实现强盛,投资于品牌来推动 收入增长 是关键。

  • As long as top-line revenue growth was strong companies were not focused on cutting costs to maintain or improve profitability .

    只要 收入增长强劲,企业就不会挖空心思削减成本,以维持或提高利润率。

  • The back is long but strong with a level top-line .

    背面是漫长的,但力量雄厚,拥有水平 线

  • But even before its disastrous turn with derivatives AIG was known for being aggressive on pricing premiums in its property and casualty business focusing on top-line growth rather than profitability .

    但即使在其在衍生品 领域 遭遇灾难性失手之前,aig对财产险和意外险保费的激进定价也是出名的,它更关注 线增长而非盈利能力。

  • In2009 per cent of BarCap 's £ 18bn top-line income came from its so-called FICC business-trading liquid debt securities swaps currencies and commodities on behalf of clients .

    2009年,巴克莱资本180亿英镑的 营收中,有72%来自所谓的固定收益、外汇和大宗商品(FICC)业务&代表客户交易流动债券、互换产品、外汇和大宗商品。

  • In both Europe and the US investors are keen to see top-line growth of 5 per cent or more and this is getting increasingly difficult to deliver organically in developed markets .

    欧洲和美国的投资者都渴望看到5%甚至更高的 收入增幅,而在发达国家市场,这样的增幅越来越难以通过有机增长实现。

  • In November H-P posted weaker fourth-quarter sales the ninth consecutive top-line decline .

    11月份,惠普说第四季度销售 收入下滑,这是连续第九个月 营收下滑。

  • Fortune has decided properly in my opinion to base its rankings on the top-line revenue figures reported by each public company .

    《财富》决定根据每家上市公司公布的 营收数据进行排名,我认为这是恰当的。

  • In India Infosys the biggest outsourcer by market capitalisation is giving guidance for top-line growth of about 20 per cent in the year to March .

    在印度,市值最大的外包公司印孚瑟斯( infosys)预测,在截至3月份的财年中,营运 收入将增长约20%。

  • Beam reinforcement work will be top-line technology into large-span bridges and culverts

    工便梁加固 线路 进大跨度桥涵技术

  • Top-line growth achieved by the international tobacco business and consolidation of Gallaher contributed to strong results for the period .

    由于国际烟草业务和 加拉赫的合并促使了 利润的增长,该期间业绩强劲。

  • The problem with this neat hypothesis is that company valuations remain more sensitive to the rates at which cash flows are discounted than to top-line growth .

    这种看似清晰的假设有一个问题,就是企业的估值对现金流折现率(而非 营收增长)更为敏感。

  • I honestly don 't know whether the top-line productivity is as high as Python and Ruby but I don 't have any evidence that it is not .

    说实话我不知道 Groovy的生产效率是不是像Python和Ruby那么高,但我没有看到任何 反面的证据。

  • Despite the top-line merriment however earnings-per-share were a disappointing negative 3 cents per share compared to consensus estimates of positive 2 cents per share .

    每股收益为负3 美分,而分析人士此前预计每股收益将达到2美分。

  • Production cutbacks and early indications of ugly September sales suggest weak top-line growth .

    减产及9月销售疲弱的早期迹象都表明, 收入增长 较为 乏力

  • The model is flawed but is a reminder that growth especially of the top-line but also profitability is not the whole story .

    这个模型存在瑕疵,但它提醒了 投资者,增长(特别是 收入增长,但也包括利润增长)并不是一切。

  • I am less concerned with revenue or top-line growth – the market is big enough .

    我对收入即 线增长不是那么担心&市场足够大。

  • The $ 10 million acquisition represented a meaningful infusion for cagc which reported $ 76 million in top-line revenues in 2009 .

    当时1000万美金的投资对艾瑞泰克意义非凡,该 公司公布的2009年营业收入仅 7600万美元。

  • The macro problems as top-line earnings are hit and companies find their ability to refinance is much more limited will hurt the financial markets .

    随着 收益遭受 打压、公司发现它们的再融资能力大不如 ,宏观问题将危及金融市场。

  • His ' biggest worry ' about the 2014 corporate horizon ' is a continued focus on cost cutting to drive profitability rather than a focus on top-line growth ' he says .

    他说,他对2014年企业领域的最大担忧是,企业会继续专注于通过削减成本,而不是增收,来 提振赢利能力。

  • Over the next three years we think Asia will be a big source of top-line revenue growth Mr del Missier forecasts . Perhaps as much as 25 per cent .

    德尔密斯耶预计:“我们认为,未来3年亚洲将成为 公司收入增长的重要源泉贡献率或许高达25%。”