top the bill

[tɑp ði bɪl][tɔp ðə bil]

领衔主演, 担任主角

  • These handout images provided by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing show the front top and back of the new five dollar bill .

    美国版刻和印刷局提供的印刷品形象显示了新发行的五美元 钞票的前后和 上部 样子。

  • He was top of the bill at Radio City Music hall .

    他在无线电城市音乐厅 节目 首位

  • Also in the top five were Melinda Gates co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and wife of Microsoft Corp co-founder Bill Gates and Jill Abramson the first woman executive editor of the New York Times .

    五位的女性还有梅琳达盖茨,科技巨头比尔盖茨的妻子,也是 比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金会的联合创始人。还有《纽约时报》的第一位女性执行主编吉尔艾布兰森。

  • That would include the abolitionist Harriet Tubman who was the top choice on social media of a campaign to put a woman on the $ 20 bill .

    这样的人选包括废奴运动人士哈丽特 &8231;图曼(HarrietTubman)。在社交媒体推动女性 上20美元 钞票的运动中,她也是人们 希望获选的女性。

  • All50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $ 5 bill .

    美元 钞票背面 林肯纪念堂图案 列出了所有50个州的名字。

  • Indians already hold four of the top eight slots on the Forbes billionaire list while Mexico 's Carlos Slim has surpassed Bill Gates to claim the No.2 spot .

    福布斯》亿万富翁榜上,印度人占据了 八位中的四个,墨西哥的卡洛斯•斯利姆(CarlosSlim)超过 比尔•盖茨(BillGates)成为全球第二富豪。

  • He held top jobs at the department of agriculture and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation .

    他在农业部和 比尔-美林达。盖茨基金会拥有 高级职位。

  • When I spoke I said Overlord remained top of the bill .

    我在发言时说, 霸王作战计划仍然是 当务之急