to become aware of...

发觉…, (开始)意识到…

  • To be in touch with the present means to become aware of a the whole range of feelings and thoughts taking place within us around us and through us .

    和当下接触意思是 我们 自己内在的,周围的和通过我们发生的各种感觉和想法要有 觉察

  • Many children through the examples can begin to become more aware of man 's relationship to his environment .

    通过这些实例,许多孩子可能开始 人类和环境的关系 更多的 认识

  • Chewing food well helps us to become aware of its taste & an important factor in nutrient assimilation .

    仔细咀嚼食物,可以帮助我们 意识食物的味道,同时也是一个帮助营养吸收的主要因素。

  • When the extent of recession is over 180 degrees the patient should be followed up periodically by tonometry tonography and changes in C / D ratio and visual field so as to become aware of early recession glaucoma .

    如果房角后退范围 >180°,应定期随访患者的眼压、眼压描记、C/D和视野变化, 以便早期发现房角退缩性青光眼。

  • It means using all of our senses to become aware of our world .

    留心的意思 运用我们所有的感觉 认识这个世界。

  • As you return to normal traffic speed check your mirrors to become aware of the traffic situation after you have gone through the intersection .

    当通过路口并回复至正常车速后,检查各后视镜 时刻 关注新车道交通状况。

  • Take a moment to become aware of your body and the shape your are making with your trunk and limbs .

    有一段时间 你的身体和躯干与四肢的形态。

  • The culture of rights not only educates man how to become aware of the rights but also it let people know more important how to respect for the rights and safeguard rights and rationally get the realization of rights .

    权利文化不但教化 人们 认识权利、 争取权利,更重要的是要让民众懂得尊重权利、维护权利以及依法理性地实现权利。

  • The goal of this restorative sequence is to become aware of your various parts in relation to the pull of gravity .

    这个序列的练习目的是 我们 身体各部份和重力之间的关系 变得

  • To succeed we have to become aware of potential cultural differences and realize their implications .

    要成功,我们 必须 注意潜在的文化差异,意识到它们的含义。

  • It 's important to become acutely aware of how your eating ties in with your stress level .

    重要的 深刻 意识 饮食和压力之间的紧密关系。

  • He wanted to become aware of the passage of time .

    体察 一下时序的推移。

  • While they shouldn 't assume that what motivates them will motivates others it 's helpful to become aware of the influence of what can seem to be neutral factors .

    同时 意识 并非所有能激励他们的因素都可以激励别人,但显然一些中性的因素的影响确是 不言而喻的。

  • To become aware of directly through any of the senses especially sight or hearing . Memory is the sense of sight hearing feeling and taste .

    意识 通过任何一种感官,尤指视觉或听觉等直接意识 回忆是视觉、觉、觉和味觉的官能。

  • They urge the government to become aware of inequalities and to distribute wealth more fairly .

    他们鼓励政府 重视不平等问题,并更公平地分配财富。

  • But to love is to become aware of loss with further losses to come .

    但是,要爱就是 开始 意识 失去、 意识 了了一个个将要到来的失去。

  • A correct description of the situation would have to stress the fact that the natural sciences do not even have the mental tools to become aware of the existence of such problems .

    这种情况的正确描述,应该是强调地说:自然科学连 这类问题的思想工具都没有。

  • Giving my physical body rest and taking the time to take care of myself can give me the opportunity to become aware of myself and helps me determine what my next step will be .

    让身体休息并花时间观照自心,让我有机会 认识自己,并且明白下一步该如何做。

  • The data in this thesis may be helpful to researchers and teachers of English to become aware of the negative role that anxiety plays in English learning .

    本研究为外语教师和研究者们 进一步 分析焦虑在英语学习中的负面作用提供了一定的数据依据。

  • To offer a platform for parent to become aware of public affairs .

    协助 家长 了解学校事务、提供家长 学校建言的平台。

  • The European Mobility Week and the mainly activity In town without my car during the week play an important role in proposing public transportation and in educating the public to become aware of the sustainability of public transportation in the Europe so much as the world .

    欧洲交通周及在活动周期间开展的无车日活动,在欧洲乃至世界 日益产生影响, 宣传可持续交通起 了全民教育和 提高 认识的重要作用。

  • As with trying to change any behavior the first step is to become aware of it .

    改变说话习惯就像改变任何行为方式一样,第一步就是 认清问题所在。

  • We teach people about what anger is how to recognize their anger triggers how to become aware of their own feelings of anger and how to keep their anger under control .

    我们让人们了解愤怒是什么,如何发现愤怒触发事件,如果 觉察 自己的愤怒,如何对愤怒保持控制。

  • The principal core of his work is to guide the human beings to become aware of their highest potential and to realize it .

    他工作的最本质核心是引导 人们 认识 自己的最高潜能,并且将其实现。

  • With theatrical photographic settings the author reinforces increases caricatures often with irony the problems he wants us to become aware of .

    作者运用戏剧化的摄影设定,强化了、增加了、讽刺了这些问题, 使得我们 正视它们。

  • A good way of ridding yourself of certain kinds of dogmatism is to become aware of opinions held in social circles different from your own .

    使你自己摆脱某些教条主义的一种好方法是 了解与你不同的社会集团所持 意见。

  • To become aware of directly through any of the senses especially sight or hearing .

    意识 通过任何一种感官,尤指视觉或听觉等直接 意识

  • At this point Mabel rose from the table and they all seemed to become aware of her existence .

    就在这时,玛贝尔起身站了起来。所有的人 似乎 意识 她的存在。

  • Use of the working memory in the rule engine allows the Rete network to become aware of changes to the state of the Sudoku grid and to appropriately trigger other rules when that happens .

    在规则引擎中使用内存存储器可以使Rete网络 能够 感知 数独网格的变化并在出现变化时相应地触发其他规则。

  • Their purposes are very simple : to allow those entities of your planet to become aware of infinity which is often best expressed to the uninformed as the mysterious or unknown .

    他们的目的很单纯:允许你们星球的个体 察觉 无限,而这点通常以神秘或未知的方式传达是最好的。