to hand

[tu hænd][tu: hænd]


  • The factory management is pressing us to hand in this report .

    这篇报告厂里 很紧。

  • You may like to have your character strengths survey results to hand while thinking about these questions .

    当你仔细思考这些问题时,也许你愿意 递交你的性格优势测试的结果。

  • He was seen as a demon determined to hand the country over to the reactionaries .

    他被看成一个执意 将国家 给反动分子的恶魔。

  • Father 's letter was mailed from Florida last week and came to hand today .

    父亲上周从佛罗里达寄的信今天才 收到

  • One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes

    我的职责之一是 分发奖品。

  • I shall need you to hand me up on this difficult slope .

    我需你 我上这个陡坡。

  • Part of the gentleman 's duty in former times was to hand a lady in when she entered her carriage in great britain .

    过去的英国,绅士有义务在 位女士上车时 她一下。

  • They 're a clever lot you 've got to hand it to them .

    他们是一群聪明的人,你 不得不 佩服他们。

  • He 's done well ! you 've got to hand it to him .

    他做得好!你 必须 佩服他。

  • She is expected soon to hand down a ruling .

    估计她很快会 宣布裁决结果。

  • The military may feel unable to hand over power to a civilian President next year

    军方可能会觉得明年 难以 政权 移交给一位民选总统。

  • You don 't have to hand it to him something the talker doing isn 't above board .

    你们不用 佩服这个演说家,他做的一些事情不够光明正大。

  • They would like to hand over their financial affairs to another body .

    他们 自己的财务移交给另一个机构管理。

  • Steve hurried through the test and was the first to hand in his paper .

    史蒂夫很快完成了测验,并且第一个 上了答卷。

  • I called out for someone to hand me a metal tool to pry the branch away from the crow .

    我叫别人 递给我一个金属工具把树枝从乌鸦身上撬开。

  • You may want to keep this brochure safe so you have it to hand whenever you may need it .

    你应该保管好这份手册,这样随时想用都能马上 手边找到。

  • A : Yes and then don 't forget to hand in your conclusions after that .

    对,之后别忘了 结果 上来

  • My advice to anyone who finds anything on a bus is to hand it in to the police .

    我的建议是,在公共汽车上不管捡到什么东西都上 给警察。

  • You have need to hand it in now .


  • I told him to let Xiao Zhang take over the job but he refused to hand it over .

    我要他交给小张去办,可他就是不 放手

  • She helped to hand round the dishes .


  • I have to hand in my biology paper tomorrow .

    我明天 生物论文。

  • I touched it and again asked him by gesture to hand it over .

    我已经碰到那支笔了,我再一次用动作示意让他 笔还给我。

  • Your letter has been received . ; Yours to hand .


  • Your letter has come to hand . ; This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter .


  • You 've got to hand it to Melissa she certainly gets around .

    不得不 佩服梅利莎,她到哪里都吃得开。

  • Our soldiers bravely fought hand to hand with the enemy .

    我方战士英勇地同敌人展开 肉搏战。

  • They are prepared to hand back a hundred prisoners of war a day as a sign of good will

    他们准备 每日遣返100名战俘以示友好。

  • He took a saxophone from the Salvation Army but was caught and had to hand it back

    他从救世军那里拿了一支萨克斯管,但却被抓住了, 只得 交还