to talk big

[tu tɔk bɪɡ][tu: tɔ:k biɡ]

说大话, 吹牛, 自吹自擂

  • I don 't believe all he says about the profits he is making ; ever since I have known him he has liked to talk big .

    他说他如何如何赚钱,我就不太相信,我们认识以来他总是喜欢 吹牛

  • He likes to talk big as if he was an important person .

    他老爱 大话,就仿佛他是一位要人似的。

  • If not necessary no one would like to start talk in big meetings no one jumps into spotlight .

    如果不是必须这么做,没人会在大会上 抢先 发言,也没人要主动站到聚光灯下。

  • Sometimes you have to talk yourself into the things that you want such as a big promotion says Rachel Brushfield a career coach at Energise an executive coaching service .

    雷切尔·布拉施菲尔德说,有时你只有 说服自己 实现自己的愿望,比如 升职

  • In the late1940s Fred Hoyle was on a radio show to talk about the Steady State Model and referred to the expanding universe model as the big bang idea .

    二十世纪四十年代末, 弗雷德·霍伊尔在一个广播节目上讲解稳恒态模型时,提及宇宙扩张模型而产生了“ 爆炸的想法”。

  • He likes to talk big as though he were a very important person .

    他好说 大话,好像他自己是个十分了不起的人物似的。

  • He tried to talk me out of buying such a big car .

    试图 说服我放弃买这样一辆 汽车的主意。

  • You can 't believe more than half of what he says he always likes to talk big .

    他的话一半你也别相信,他们总是爱 吹牛

  • Just having the chance to talk together was a big step forward .

    有机会在一起 谈谈就是向前迈进了一 大步

  • But to talk big about the lofty ideal without doing any practical work will get one divorced from reality .

    离开现实工作而 空谈 远大理想,就会脱离实际。我们不要脱离国家的现实。

  • I never thought about going to Russia but actually I have some young amateur fighters in Russia that I talk to on Skype and they 're really really big fans of mine .

    我原来绝没想过去俄罗斯,但实际上我有些在网络电话上 交谈的年轻的业余拳手在俄罗斯,他们的的确确的是我的拳

  • Meanwhile the Nuggets continue to talk with McDyess'agent Andy Miller about a possbile buyout of the veteran big man who has had two previous stints in Denver .

    另外,掘金正在和 迈克戴斯的经纪人安迪-米勒谈论买断这位 老蒋的合同。

  • I 'm here today to talk to you about how we can help you save big money on your purchases of high quality widgets .

    我今天 这儿是为了向你们展示我们公司将如何在购买高质量配件方面为贵公司 节省成本。

  • So today and Monday we 're going to talk about two very big ideas and these ideas are associated with Sigmund Freud and B.F.Skinner and are psychoanalysis and behaviorism .

    所以在今天和星期一,我们将 学习心理理论,其代表人物分别是,西格蒙特·弗洛伊德和,伯尔 赫斯·弗雷德里克·斯金纳,这两个理论便是精神分析理论,和行为主义理论。

  • On the foundation the paper take Peking Tongzhou New Town construction for example suggest to new town construction of big city in our country further talk about the primary factors which will influence new town construction of big city in china in the futher .

    在此基础上,以北京通州新城建设为例, 我国大城市新城建设提出了意见 建议,并对未来影响中国 城市新城建设的主要因素进行了 探讨

  • She hopes to be able to talk with him but realizes that may be difficult because of the big crowd .

    她希望到时能跟他 说话,不过也知道在 大堆人潮中很难做到。

  • American children from the very hour they always like to talk to people with big .

    美国孩子从很小时,他们就总是喜欢与 大人交谈

  • Physics was now actually ready to talk about these bizarre sounding events in the universe fractions of a second and even billionths and billionths and billionths of a second ten thirds or minus thirty-five seconds after the instant of the big bang absolutely fantastic .

    物理学现在 准备 谈论这些宇宙中奇异的事件, 爆炸后几分之一秒,甚至数十亿数十亿之一秒,10秒或者小于35秒,简直太棒了。

  • What if I want to talk about the big crush I have on the plumber that lives across the street ?

    如果我 的是我 疯狂地爱上了住街对面的那个水管工,那怎么办?

  • He loved to talk big and brag about a variety of things to other people .

    他喜欢 大话,很多事情都喜欢跟人乱掰一通。