to the detriment of

[tu ði ˈdɛtrəmənt ʌv][tu: ðə ˈdetrəmənt ɔv]

[法] 有损于…,对…不利

  • Recreation is a profitable and competitive industry and green access is a resource that can be exploited as ruthlessly as any other to the detriment of both wild and human habitat .

    休闲是一个盈利、具有竞争力的产业,而自然是一种可以像任何其他资源一样被残酷掠夺的资源,可以 野生动物和人类的生存空间 造成 破坏

  • It will also claim that the US giant has withheld patent licences and other intellectual property to the detriment of mainframe purchasers in Europe .

    该项申诉还指责这个美国巨人隐瞒专利执照和其他知识产权 损害了欧洲主机购买者 利益

  • No this is not love as love would not sustain itself only in one place to the detriment of another ;

    不,这并不是爱,因为爱不会只在某个地方维系而 另一个地方 带来 伤害

  • We should study all these subjects equally well and not stress English to the detriment of the rest .

    这几门功课都 学好,不能 偏重英语。

  • He works far into the night to the detriment of his health .

    他常常工作到深夜, 他的健康 不利

  • Funding cuts can be implemented but only to the detriment of patient care .

    削减资金可以实行,只不过 病人护理 不利

  • The FTC recently charged a group of auto dealers with restricting comparative and discount advertising to the detriment of consumers .

    联邦贸易委员会不久前曾起诉了一群对比较和折扣广告进行限制, 从而 损害了消费者 利益 汽车代理商。

  • Men still seek their own positions to the detriment of even – it seems – God 's will .

    人们仍然 为了寻求私利 损害 别人,甚至-它似乎是-上帝的意愿。

  • She emphasized his eccentricity to the detriment of his truly remarkable achievements .

    她强调了他的古怪行为, 从而 他非常出色的成就。

  • He smoked a lot to the detriment of his health .

    他抽烟很多, 健康 造成 损害

  • It reflects an obsession with media management that is often to the detriment of good government .

    这反映出了政府 媒体管理的 念,而这通常 侵蚀一个好政府。

  • But to tell art 's histories public museums need a concentration of important work ; diminishing that is to the detriment of scholars and serious art lovers everywhere .

    但为了讲述艺术品历史,公立博物馆需要集中重要作品;削弱这一 点将 损害各地学者和严肃艺术品爱好者 利益

  • Just westernization : no but globalisation gives us the opportunity to learn something from each other and hopefully not to the detriment of the survival of individual cultures and music .

    西方化:不,但是全球化给了我们从彼此学习的机遇,希望 幸存的传统文化与音乐不会 造成什么 损害

  • Joint military exercises have increased in the region to the detriment of trust between countries .

    联合军事演习在本地区有增无减, 利于国家间建立信任。

  • In bad times each subsidiary in trouble must be sorted out individually with rules and procedures that vary by the legal form of the subsidiary and that might work to the detriment of the consolidated entity financial system and economy .

    而年景不好的时候,则必须根据与不同法律形式的分支机构相对应的法规和程序,对陷入困境的分支机构加以遴选,而这有可能 利于统一的实体、金融体系和经济。

  • If we try to promote French to the detriment of English you may prevent people having access to the latest information and findings .

    如果我们试图推广使用法语, 不是使用英语,那就可能妨碍人们获取最新信息和结论。

  • But protection in agriculture also remains high in many developing countries & to the detriment of their own exporters and consumers .

    然而,很多发展中国家的农业保护仍很严格, 其国内出口商和消费者 造成损失

  • It is Chinese industrial policies and not market forces that are currently determining the trade flows and the location of production and jobs to the detriment of the US tyre industry .

    目前,是中国的行业政策决定了 利于美国轮胎业的贸易流动和产地及就业状况,而不是市场力量。

  • Such co-operation should not be used to the detriment of relations with other countries and regions .

    这种合作不应用 损害双方与其它国家和地区之间的关系。

  • This is going to ultimately be to the detriment of the Chinese economy and to thinking about energy security .

    这终究将 利于中国经济及其对能源安全问题的考量。

  • Other rules are a bit clearer but are still being ignored to the detriment of the application developer .

    其他规则稍微清楚一点,但 应用程序开发者可能产生 不利 后果仍被忽略。

  • Moreover derivative traders might have colluded to manipulate the difference between the ask price and the bid price spread w_911 of derivatives based on these reference rates to the detriment of their clients .

    此外,衍生品交易员可能相互串通,共同操纵了基于这些参考利率的衍生品价差( 要价和报价之间的差距), 损害了其客户的 利益

  • Foreign banks began to locate major branches in London to the detriment of the clearing banks .

    外国银行 为了与英国清算银行 竞争,开始在伦敦设置主要 分行

  • Excessive introspection self-absorption or a concentration on a single issue to the detriment of a broad view and a full grasp of problems or circumstances .

    过分的自省,专心 一已之 利益,或全神贯注于单一的方面 损害 较宽的观点和对问题或环境的全面领会。

  • Merger creditors to achieve the company will have a major impact but not to the detriment of creditors protection of the efficiency of the cost of the merger .

    公司合并对公司债权人的债权实现会产生重大的影响,但是 债权人的保护不 损害公司合并效率为代价。

  • Dedicator makes this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of the Dedicator 's heirs and successors .

    奉献者为全体的公众并且 奉献者的继承人和继承人 损害的利益做这奉献。