to gain access to...


  • In fact many countries require multinationals to transform their business models to gain access to their market .

    实际上,许多国家要求跨国公司转变经营模式,之后 才能 进入他们的市场。

  • Each of these methods accepts a transformation context object which you can query to gain access to the source and target objects .

    其中每一个方法接受一个transformationcontextobject,您可以对它进行查询, 获取 资源以及目标对象的 访问

  • And even Western multinationals can use them to gain access to difficult markets .

    甚至西方的跨国企业也可利用政府 打入 难进的市场。

  • You share a pass-phrase or a public key that you can use to gain access to the web contacts .

    你共享一个密码短语或者公钥,这样你就能使用它 访问web联系人。

  • However you also make it easy for anyone with a wireless device to gain access to your network .

    不过,您也可以很容易为任何一个无线装置, 获得您的网络。

  • That is by tricking the human beings that work for your organization attackers are able to gain access to systems and information to which they should not have access .

    也就是说,通过欺骗在您的组织中工作的人员,攻击者可以 获得 权限 访问他们本不应该访问的系统和信息。

  • A hacker could easily try to gain access to the site with any number of common last names .

    于是黑客就可以通过任意数量的常见姓氏,很容易 获得站点的 访问 权限

  • Hackers masquerading as internal users can take advantage of weak internal security to gain access to confidential information .

    伪装成内部用户的黑客们会利用脆弱的内部安全来 获取机密信息。

  • Scientists have only recently been able to gain access to the area

    科学家直到最近才 得以 进入该地区。

  • Google says it has detected and disrupted a plan to gain access to hundreds of Gmail accounts from China .

    谷歌表示已经 盗取成百上千名中国gmail用户信息的诈骗行为开展了监测和干扰。

  • Browsing the web provides many opportunities for attackers to gain access to a PC via an insecure web browser .

    使用不安全的浏览器上网,为 黑客提供了很多 侵入个人电脑的机会。

  • I moved a few boxes to gain access to the trunk and opened it in a flurry of excitement .

    我提出几个箱子 获得躯干和打开了它在一系列的兴奋。

  • Interoperability 's economic potential is stunted without easy ways to gain access to it .

    如果 接入不易,互操作性的经济潜力就会受到阻碍。

  • It can advance all the Millennium Development Goals . Literacy enables people to gain access to information to improve their health and nutrition widen their livelihood options cope with environmental change and make informed choices .

    识字可以推动各项千年发展目标,可以使人们 获取信息,改善自身的健康和营养,可以拓宽谋生手段,应对环境变化和作出明智的选择。

  • It prevents tokens from being maliciously submitted to gain access to a resource after the first use .

    它使令牌避免了恶意提交 一个资源被使用一次后 获得 它的 访问

  • I spent half an hour moving documents and effluvia around on my actual desktop in order to gain access to the wiring harness and by the time I did I guess I was just running on instinct .

    我花了一个半小时移动文件和臭气实际围绕在我的桌面, 以便 获取线束,并通过当时我没有,我想我只是运行在本能。

  • It is difficult for a lay person to gain access to medical libraries

    非业内人士 难以 进入医学图书馆。

  • After discovery of the data source the next step is to gain access to the information .

    在发现数据源以后,下一步是 获得 该信息的 访问 权限

  • The network allows people across India and indeed the world to gain access to and build on product development and marketing support ( see How local knowledge can boost scientific studies ) .

    这个网络可以让全印度以及事实上全世界的 人们 获取产品开发和市场支持并以此为基础(参见地方知识如何能够促进科学研究)。

  • The web site that you are creating will allow users to gain access to different pages according to their roles .

    正在创建的网站将允许用户根据他们的角色 获得 不同页的 访问

  • The password option specifies the MD5-encrypted password used to gain access to GRUB 's interactive boot options .

    password选项指定了使用MD5加密的口令, 用于 访问GRUB的交互式引导选项。

  • It is comparatively easy to read this password file and simply try and match the knock pattern to gain access to this system .

    这个“密码”文件非常容易读取,并且通过尝试和匹配敲打模式, 可以 获得 系统的 访问 权限

  • This simply provides a way for user-space applications to gain access to the kernel 's networking subsystem .

    它简单地为用户空间的应用程序提供了一种 访问内核网络子系统的方法。

  • At WHO Headquarters in Geneva he pioneered new ways for people to gain access to tuberculosis medicines .

    在日内瓦的世卫组织总部,他领导为民众 获取结核药物开辟了新的途径。

  • Nonetheless he accepts it is hard for women to gain access to male-dominated networks .

    但是,他承认,对女性而言, 进入男性主导的网络很难。

  • Enter the user name and password that will be used to gain access to the network resource .

    输入 用来 获得网络资源 访问 权限的用户名和密码。

  • In computer security an attempt to gain access to a system by posing as an authorized user .

    在计算机安全学中,试图 装成一个合法用户 获取 某系统的 访问

  • For new starters you need an internet service provider to gain access to the internet and email .

    新的先发球员,你需要一个互联网服务提供商, 获取互联网及电子邮件。