to no avail


  • But Michael-after having it raided three times by the cops to no avail for them it shook him .

    但在这所庄园被警察突然搜查了三次并 无益处的时候,迈克尔动摇了。

  • His efforts were to no avail


  • It was all to no avail he lamented .

    结果全然 ,他哀伤地说。

  • Her powers of persuasion were to no avail .

    她的说服力 没有 作用

  • Employees tried to divert the attention of the tiger from the visitor but to no avail he said .

    他说,工作人员试图转移老虎对那名游客的注意力,但 无济于事

  • The group tried to make the elk more comfortable but to no avail .

    我们努力想让这只麋鹿舒服一些却 徒劳无功

  • But their efforts were to no avail .

    但是他们的努力没有 获得 任何 成果

  • He had the duty receptionist almost jumping through hoops for him . But to no avail .


  • Every effort was made but to no avail .

    我们努力又努力,但 没有 结果

  • I tried to persuade him to come but to no avail .

    我争取说服他来,但 没有 成功

  • He knew that all the objections to no avail at that moment .

    他知道这个时候,一切反对 于事无补

  • He said he had tried his best to help her but to no avail .

    他说他曾尽力帮助过她,但 毫无 效果

  • We tried and tried but it was all to no avail .

    我们试了又试,但是 毫无 效果

  • I tried to persuade her not to resign but to no avail .

    我劝她不要辞职,但她 不听我的。

  • She tried her best to stop the bleeding but it was to no avail .

    她尽其所能地去停住流血,但 并不 成功

  • Her five children eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren all discouraged her but to no avail .


  • He tried every means but to no avail .


  • Chinese officials have expressed their concern publicly but to no avail .

    中国官员已经公开表示了担忧,但 毫无 用处

  • I try to clear up the messy and disheveled mind full of bewildering concerns and worries but to no avail .

    我设法充分清理杂乱和被弄乱的头脑的迷惑关心和忧虑,但 毫无 效果

  • I will not crave world stop turning I know escape at all to no avail .

    我不会奢求世界停止转动,我知道逃避一点都 没有

  • Ultimately though it was all to no avail .

    不过最后,这些也 帮助 曼联 比赛

  • We protested but to no avail .

    我们提出了抗议,但是 没有 效果

  • Your efforts will not come to no avail if you can achieve something at last .

    如果最后你能够有所成就,你的努力就不会 白费

  • I searched everywhere including in the car to no avail .

    我到处都找遍了,连车里都找过了, 但是 什么 找到

  • He tried everything to impress her to no avail .

    他试了各种方法去加深她的印象 徒然

  • I tried to persuade him to learn Japanese but to no avail and now he begins to regret .

    我原来极力劝他学日语, 不听,现在他却开始后悔了。

  • They tried and tried but it was all to no avail : they failed .

    他们试了一次又一次,可全 。他们仍失败了。

  • We opposed the proposal but to no avail .


  • He had even searched every census all to no avail .

    甚至还查了每一次人口普查资料,结果都 没有 奏效