to think big

[tu θɪŋk bɪɡ][tu: θiŋk biɡ]


  • At the Gates Foundation she got to think big she said .

    她表示,在盖茨基金会的时候,自己 必须大处着眼”。

  • Real Programmers scorn floating point arithmetic . The decimal point was invented for pansy bedwetters who are unable to think big .

    真正的程序员鄙视浮点运算。十进制是为 蠢人而发明的。

  • If you want to succeed in business think big .

    如果你 在商业上成功,就 胸怀大志

  • This may require you to think big but it can be done .

    这可能 需要 雄心壮志,然而是可以做到的。

  • We need to think big .

    我们应该 考虑 大事

  • You have to think anyway so why not think big ?

    反正你 思考,为何不想得 远大点?

  • Sometimes you have to think about the big picture and the future of the club and that means you have to do your best on both sides .

    有时候你必须 顾全大局 考虑下球队的未来。这个意味这你要两者兼顾。

  • Sitting front desk happy or sad to think : birthday not a big deal .

    坐在电脑桌面前,开心又悲伤 想着:生日,没有 什么 不了。

  • And for now it is backing and even encouraging municipalities to think big .


  • Set aside a couple of uninterrupted hours every week to think about the big picture and your long-term goals and objectives and to develop strategies for attaining them .

    每周抽出两三个小时不受打扰的时间, 想想你的 宏图和长远目标,并设想种种达到目标的策略。

  • So that I was going to think I will never lives in a big woods .

    所以呢,我 估计我永远都别 去一个 大森林里面生活!

  • In the computing and biotech revolutions as in other significant scientific advances the most useful role that federally funded researchers could play was to think big .

    在计算机革命、生物技术革命及其他重大科学进步中,联邦政府资助的研究人员的最大作用是 构想 宏伟的计划。

  • We had money materials and the opportunity to think big .

    我们有资金,有原料,也有 大干的机会。

  • The move follows an appeal to NATO by the top United Nations Relief coordinator Jan egeland to think big and bold in its response to the massive relief effort in Pakistani kashmir .

    此前,联合国负责援助工作的最高官员埃格兰向北约提出请求,要求北约 考虑援助巴控克什米尔时, 想象力,胆子要大。

  • I like to think of this step as one big jigsaw puzzle .

    我喜欢 ,作为一个 拼图的一步。

  • You have to Think Big Build Small .

    必须 高瞻远瞩,兴建小型。

  • In work to think big I started this blog .

    在工作方面, ”处 上,我开办了这个博客。

  • Much of the success comes from daring to think big .

    成功来自 不断膨胀的 野心

  • You 've got to think about big things while you 're doing small things go in the right direction .

    你在做小事时 向着 大事,这样小事才能走向正确的方向。

  • I 'm beginning to think it 's a big lie .

    开始 觉得这是一个 弥天大谎

  • Got : Mr Pan who was born of a rich family has been well trained of the ideal to think wide and big .

    特:潘先生就是这样的人。他出生于富裕的家庭,这样的背景训练了他的 思想

  • To be honest I think the Big Apple is rotten to the core .

    老实说,我 觉得纽约这个 大都市糟透了。

  • This is very important if you ever want to learn to think big .

    如果你真想 学会 大手 事情的话,这点非常重要。

  • The key to successful semantic integration is to think big yet act incrementally towards strategic vision .

    成功的语义集成的关键 在于 胸怀长远目标,然后以增量方式向战略远景靠近。

  • I want to think big but do small .

    远大 抱负,但我 做好小事开始。

  • There 's nothing more frustrating than an employee who made a mistake and doesn 't seem to think it 's a big deal .

    员工犯了错误,却 不以为意,这是最让人沮丧的。

  • I shudder to think how big the bill will be .

    想到帐单数额的 巨大,我就发抖。

  • He likes to think big and his latest brainstorm involves trying to mine minerals on passing asteroids .

    迪曼蒂斯喜欢 宏大的构想,他的最新创意涉及从近地小行星上开采矿物。

  • Most successful people are dreamers as well as ordinary people who are not afraid to think big and dare to be great .

    大多数成功人士都是梦想家,同时也是普通人,只是他们 敢于 梦想敢于成就伟大事业。

  • At Facebook we have posters on our walls to remind us to think big & to challenge ourselves to do more each and every day .

    在Facebook公司里,我们的墙上贴着提醒我们 远大目标的海报&挑战自我每一天都要做得更多。