to clear the air

[tu klɪr ði er][tu: kliə ðə eə(r)]

使空气流通, 澄清真相, 消除误会

  • Let the interviewer know that you talked with the co-worker in order to clear the air and avoid hiding resentment .

    让面试官了解,当时你 为了 端正态度、避免怨恨,和同事进行了沟通。

  • He decided to have a talk with Julia and try to clear the air .

    他决定和朱丽亚谈谈, 试图 消除 误解

  • I will try to clear the air in simple terms .

    我将试着简单 解释一下。

  • It 's time to clear the air .

    澄清 真相的时候了。

  • Frame it as a chance to clear the air .

    把这作为 消除 误会澄清 事实 一次机会。

  • And Tencent and Alibaba have yet to clear the air themselves .

    腾讯和阿里巴巴本身也 尚未 澄清 件事。

  • You could find yourself coming up with a few bright new ideas today and you should have a fresh chance to clear the air in any and all matters .

    你可以找到自己拿出一些新的想法明亮的今天,您应该有一个新的机会, 清除 空气中的任何及所有事项。

  • Come to an explanation with sb . They held a meeting to clear the air .

    他们召开了一次会议 消除 误解

  • A frank discussion can help to clear the air .

    坦率的谈论有助 消除 疑虑

  • Well okay maybe you could give them a call I suggested eager to clear the air with my parents .

    “嗯, ,也许你可以给他们打电话,”我建议。

  • President Obama trying to clear the air on his overhaul of health care laws .

    美国总统奥巴马 试图 清楚 人们对他的医疗体系改革 误会

  • I wish to clear the air so that we may breathe freely in future .

    希望 清除 大气 污染,以便我们将来可以自由舒畅地呼吸。

  • We had a big argument so I think it is time to clear the air .

    我们曾经大吵过一次,所以我想现在是 缓和 气氛的时候了。

  • In the sultry weather of that week I longed for a real storm to break and clear the air .

    那个星期,天气闷热,我一直希望好好下一场大雨, 使 空气 清新一下。

  • When youre feeling calm and rational go see your boss to clear the air .

    当你觉得自己冷静下来并且理性的时候,去见你的老板 消除 误会

  • If you really want to clear the air you should go there and talk to her .

    如果你真的 澄清 误会,就应该过去和她谈谈。

  • In Beijing there also are plans to curb the use of autos and halt construction before the Games to clear the air .

    此外,北京市也计划在奥运会前采取限制汽车上路和暂停建筑施工等措施 改善 空气 质量

  • If we want to keep this customer we must have a meeting to clear the air about the recent customer complaints .

    如果我们要留住这个客户,我们必须约他们面谈, 澄清 误会,解决近期出现的客户投诉问题。

  • When Beijing experiences bouts of pollution that blacken the skies and burn the lungs residents often joke that the Chinese capital needs to build giant fans to clear out the toxic air .

    北京所经历的一轮轮污染,让天空变得灰暗,使人们感到肺部灼烧。居民们经常开玩笑说,北京需要树一些巨型风扇, 这种有毒 空气 走。

  • Of course I cannot see everything in your chart so if you have had problems with the one you love things may reach a point where you need to clear the air .

    当然我不能预见每件事,所以如果你和你爱的人出现了问题,事情可能会到你 需要 清除 误会 时候。

  • A long discussion is in orderif you wish to clear the air .

    如果你 消除 误会就需要一个长时间的对话。

  • Michael Martin yesterday became the first Commons Speaker to be forced from office in more than 300 years as Britain 's political class attempted to clear the air from a damaging expenses scandal .

    迈克尔马丁(MichaelMartin)昨日成为300多年来英国首名被迫辞职的下议院议长。目前英国政界正 努力摆脱一场有害的报销门丑闻。

  • It 's time a few things were said to clear the air .

    例句:是时候 说点什么 澄清 事实了。

  • You may want to clear the air where older relatives are concerned .

    你可能 需要和长辈 消除 误解

  • The U.S. military said 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired from American and British ships and submarines at more than 20 coastal targets to clear the way for air patrols to ground Libya 's air force .

    美国军队说,美国、英国的军舰和潜艇已向20多个利比亚沿海目标投射112枚战斧巡航导弹,为 空中巡逻队登陆利比亚空军基地 扫清障碍。