to appeal to...


  • Basketball and its players will continue to appeal to sports lovers around the world .

    篮球和它的球员们将 继续 吸引全世界的运动爱好者。

  • This book does not strip down or sugar coat its contents to appeal to the dabbling magician .

    这本书没有剥下来或者粉饰其内容 呼吁涉猎魔术师。

  • Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Palau He decided to appeal to a higher court .

    帕劳共和国最高法院上诉法庭他决定 上一级法院 上诉

  • But those results have to appeal to two very different constituencies : politicians and shareholders .

    但这些业绩 必须 迎合两种截然不同的“选民”的心意:政客和股东。

  • You and I need to appeal to God for mercy .

    你和我都 需要 恳求神的怜悯。

  • It 's a ticket that was designed to appeal to suburban and small town voters .

    这一竞选政策 意在 吸引郊区和小城镇选民。

  • Following Friday 's decision Chen has the right to appeal to the Supreme Court .

    在周五的判决之后,陈水扁有权 最高法院 提起 上诉

  • UNODC and the Laotian government had to appeal to the World Food Programme for emergency food aid .

    UNODC与老挝政府 不得不 呼吁世界粮食计划署进行紧急粮食救助。

  • Create Exposure provides marketing research PR and design services catered to appeal to young consumers .

    CreateExposure主要提供旨在 迎合年轻消费者的市场调查、人力资源和设计服务。

  • The film is designed to appeal to people of all ages .

    这部影片 意欲 吸引所有年龄段的人。

  • It 's a question of getting the right mix of policies to appeal to the electorate .

    这个问题是要有一 投合选民 的配套政策。

  • The right of individuals to appeal to a higher court is provided for in the constitution .

    个人 上级法院 提出 上诉,这是宪法所赋予的权利。

  • This advertisement is calculated to appeal to children .

    这个广告是 针对 吸引儿童设计的。

  • We are optimizing to appeal to more merchants as we did with the card reader .

    我们正在 吸引更多商户而进行优化,这同我们当时推广读卡器的做法一样。

  • Highbrow critics sniff that the programme was ' too sophisticated ' to appeal to most viewers .

    品位高雅的批评家们轻蔑地表示,该节目“太深奥”, 多数观众没有 吸引力

  • The accused has the right to appeal to a higher court and the right of petition .

    被告人有上 诉权和申诉权。

  • He also sought to appeal to a Jewish constituency for his presidential ambitions .

    为了实现他当总统的野心,他还 竭力 吁请一个犹太人选区的帮助。

  • Like most consumer companies automakers like to appeal to young people early on .

    汽车厂商和多数消费品公司一样,也喜欢 设法尽早 吸引年轻人。

  • This music is too old-fashioned to appeal to young people any longer .

    这音乐太老,不能再 吸引年轻人了。

  • But when they communicate internally they have to appeal to their employees ' emotions .

    但在公司内部进行交流中又 需要 调动员工的情绪。

  • He says the images are designed to appeal to emotion rejecting government arguments that they are purely factual .

    他说,这些图像的设计是 为了 诉诸 情感,否认纯粹是事实的政府论据。

  • He decided to appeal to a higher court .

    他决定 高一级的法庭 上诉

  • Owners added tables to appeal to women who did not want to sit at a counter .

    餐车车主们也添加了桌子, 吸引那些不愿意坐在柜台前面的女性顾客。

  • He decided to appeal to the Supreme court .

    他决定 最高法院 上诉

  • We develop stunning designs to appeal to customers who seek out the most stylish way to live .

    我们开发了极富魅力的设计 吸引寻求最时髦生活方式的客户。

  • I could use my big sad eyes to appeal to the judge for mercy .

    我可以用我那双忧郁的大眼睛 恳求法官的宽恕。

  • No faint heart would be able to appeal to him to reverse our course .

    没有哪一个胆小怕事的人能 说服他改变我们的方针。

  • The two disputing countries decided not to appeal to arms .

    这两个有争端的国家决定不 诉诸武力。