to a lesser extent

[tu e ˈlɛsɚ ɪkˈstɛnt][tu: ə ˈlesə iksˈtent]


  • Multicellular green algae and to a lesser extent brown and red algae have many features in common with land plants and are the dominant photosynthetic organisms in shallow seas .

    多细胞的绿藻、 一定 程度 还包括褐藻和红藻,它们有许多特征都与陆生植物相同,是在浅海中能进行光合作用的生物。

  • To a lesser extent Eclipse supports installing plug-ins by manually copying them into the appropriate directories .

    较小 范围 ,Eclipse支持把插件手动复制到相应的目录中来安装插件。

  • While researchers haven 't studied exercise and swine flu specifically they have explored whether physical activity can enhance immunity and combat colds and to a lesser extent seasonal flu .

    虽然研究人员还没有研究运动和猪流感之间的关系。他们已经开始探索运动是否能增强免疫力,防治感冒,并 一定 程度 防治季节性流感。

  • Mulberry 's brand penetration had increased significantly in Asia and to a lesser extent in the US .

    玛百莉在亚洲的品牌渗透率出现显著提升,在美国也有 幅度 相对 一些的提升。

  • That slowdown seems to be mirrored to a lesser extent in other sectors .

    这种放缓似乎在其他领域也 较小 程度的体现。

  • All of the diets led to reduced caloric intake and all of them led to weight loss at six months and to a lesser extent at 12 months .

    所有的饮食方案都减少了热量摄入,它们都能令参与者在六个月后体重减轻,并在接下来的六个月里 继续 减轻 减重 幅度 较小)。

  • The UK and to a lesser extent Finland cut value-added tax rates for example while other countries such as Hungary and Ireland raised their VAT rates .

    例如,英国和芬兰( 程度 英国 一些)降低了增值税税率,而匈牙利和爱尔兰等国则提高了增值税税率。

  • The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and to a lesser extent wildlife .

    森林污染对植物有严重的影响, 野生动物也 一定影响。

  • Computerization of the office has changed my daily routine and to a lesser extent my workload .

    办公室的计算机化改变了我的日常工作程序,而且, 较小 程度 降低了我的工作量。

  • New research from the US found that severe headaches such as migraine were linked to changes in weather particularly to increased ambient temperature and to a lesser extent lower barometric pressure .

    来自美国的新研究发现严重的头痛比如偏头痛和季节有联系,特别是周围环境温度增加和 较小 程度气压降低的情况下。

  • Of the health care resources available most are currently spent on the specialized treatment and care of the people with mental illness and to a lesser extent on an integrated mental health system .

    在现有的卫生保健资源中,目前大部分用于对精神疾病的专门治疗和护理, 较少部分用于综合性精神卫生系统。

  • This article assumes that you are familiar with Java technology and ( to a lesser extent ) with XML .

    本文假设您熟悉Java技术和( 初步 了解)XML。

  • My son does something similar though usually to a lesser extent .

    我儿子也有这样的行为,不过 程度

  • The US China and Japan saw similar decreases - but to a lesser extent .

    在美国、中国和日本也有下降,但下降的 幅度 一些

  • These customs are common in Czechoslovakia and to a lesser extent in Hungary and romania .

    这些习俗在 捷克斯洛伐克 司空见惯,在匈牙利和罗马尼亚就 那么常见了。

  • For this article we 're concerned with the Business layer and to a lesser extent the Presentation layer .

    在本文中,我们主要关注业务层和 显示层。

  • We are also competing to a lesser extent with native installer solutions .

    我们 还在与本地的安装方案“竞争”。

  • The patterns identified do still apply but perhaps to a lesser extent .

    我们调查的模式仍然适用,但是使用 范围 一些

  • The same is true to a lesser extent for Ireland and Portugal .

    爱尔兰和葡萄牙也是如此, 只是 程度

  • In the current problem it turns out there are two domains : parenting of course and to a lesser extent finance .

    在当前问题中,出现了两个领域:养育,当然, 较小 范围 角度 的融资。

  • A great deal is now known about the kinds of damage produced in the DNA by ultraviolet radiations to a lesser extent by ionizing radiations .

    目前已经知道很多关于由紫外线辐射以及 较小 程度 由电离辐射引起dna损伤的种类。

  • We will also discuss sound and word-level information processing but to a lesser extent .

    对于声音及 字汇层面的讯息处理过程,我们亦将有所著墨,但讨论的 范畴较为简略。

  • A child 's values come from its parents and to a lesser extent from its schooling .

    孩子的价值观大多来自 父母,也有 部分来自于学校教育。

  • Inter-African business is also on the rise with some companies from South Africa Nigeria and to a lesser extent Kenya beginning to build continental scale .

    非洲内部的商业也开始增长,来自南非、尼日利亚和肯尼亚 程度 不及前者)的一些公司开始建立横跨大陆的业务。

  • One of their modern uses is in cryogenics and to a lesser extent refrigeration .

    他们的一个现代化的用途是在低温,并 较小 程度 ,制冷。

  • For me it would be the time of the Greeks and to a lesser extent the Romans .

    对我 来讲,我觉得是希腊时期的历史,还有 开始的罗马。

  • A corollary of that flawed assumption was that China and to a lesser extent Japan and India could somehow shoulder the global economic burden by substituting for fast-disappearing us and European demand .

    这种存在缺陷的假设产生了一个推论:即中国 其次还有日本和印度能通过填补迅速消逝的美国和欧洲需求, 一定 程度 承担起全球经济重担。