to a fractional

[tu e ˈfrækʃənəl][tu: ə ˈfrækʃənəl]


  • In order to evaluate the frequency modulation slope the thesis puts forward a motion compensation algorithm that is based on Fractional Fourier Transform .

    针对调频斜率的估计,提出 基于 分数 Fourier变换的运动补偿算法。

  • An actual or assumed symbol used to separate the integral part of a number from its fractional part .

    一种实际的或假定的符号,它 用来分开 数的整数部分和 小数部分。

  • A Spinner allows you to pick ( via advance / retreat buttons ) or type in a ( possibly fractional ) number .

    Spinner允许挑选(通过向前/撤退按钮)或键入 (可能为 小数的)数字。

  • This paper is hopefully to provide a valuable reference for improving computing efficiency of inverse / optimization fractional viscoelastic problems .

    本文的研究工作 有望为提高 分数 粘弹性反问题与优化问题的计算效率提供 价值的参考和依据。

  • In order to increase the speed of motion estimation further a fast fractional motion estimation based on the group error is presented too .

    为了进一步加快运动估计的处理速度,提出了 基于分组的快速 分数 精度运动估计算法。

  • In order to improve the accuracy of fractional order differentiator a hybrid genetic algorithm was applied to design fractional order differentiator .

    为了 进一步提高分数阶微分器的精度,将遗传算法引入到滤波设计中,获得了性能更加优越的 分数阶微分器。

  • According to the non-stationary property of noises this paper proposes a dynamic parameter estimation method and further proposes a Modified Adaptive Fractional Lower order Covariance ( M-AFLC ) method .

    针对信号噪声的非平稳特性,该文提出 动态参数估计方法,并在此基础上提出一种不受约束条件限制的修正的自适应 分数低阶协方差(M-AFLC)算法。

  • The aim of this paper is to give a simulation of creep and relaxation laws of concrete with aging by using standard-linear-like body with fractional order derivatives .

    本文的 目的是采用含 分数阶导数的类标准线性体来模拟考虑老化的混凝土的蠕变和松弛规律。

  • The method is to find out a fractional factor that makes the fractional differenced result closest to the white noise .

    该方法实质是寻找 分数 因子,使随机分形信号通过分数差分后的输出信号最接近白噪声。

  • Let H be a subgraph of a graph G . Sufficient and necessary conditions are given for graph G to have a fractional f - factor that contains each edge of H or contains no any edge of H .

    给定图G的任一个子图H,给出了图G 分数f-因子含有H的每条边,或不含H的任一条边的充要条件。

  • The test indicates that the surrogate model is able to provide a reasonable computing accuracy and is hopefully to save considerable amount of computing expense for large scale direct fractional viscoelastic problem which are required to solve repeatedly . 2 .

    测试分析表明,代理模型可提供 合用的计算精度, 问题规模较大且正问题需要多次求解时,有望显著降低计算时间。

  • The Existence of Solution to Boundary Value Problems for a Coupled System of Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations

    分数 微分方程耦合系统边值问题解的存在性

  • In order to solve the strong non-linearity and low damping of pneumatic position servo system a novel fractional order control strategy based on fractional order calculus is presented .

    针对气动位置伺服控制系统的弱阻尼、强非线性等问题, 提出 种基于分数阶微积分的 分数阶控制策略。

  • Inspired by that we general-ized the usual cooperation-defection binary strategy spatial game to a q-strategy model where fractional valued mixed strategies are allowed .

    受此启发,我们将通常仅包含合作-背叛二元策略的空间博弈模型推广 q种策略,其中包含了 数值混合策略。

  • Infants were randomly assigned at birth to receive either a fractional dose or a full dose of inactivated poliovirus vaccine at2 and6 months .

    婴儿在出生时随机指定,分别 2、4、6个月接受灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗 剂量和全剂量接种。

  • For his mathematical project he compared two ways to estimate the square root of an integer a number with no fractional parts .

    在他的数学研究项目中,他比较了两种估算 整数的平方根的方法。

  • To remove ( a common factor ) from the numerator and denominator of a fractional expression .

    约分从一个 分数表达式的分子和分母去掉( 公因子)

  • In this paper we develop a non local method with temporal and spatial correlations to introduce a fractional order advection diffusion equation based on the usually used local 2_nd order advection dispersion equation .

    考虑了扩散过程的时间相关和时空相关性,用非局域性的处理方法,在传统的二阶对流扩散方程基础上,得到了 分数阶对流扩散方程,以此方程 描述反常扩散。

  • The equations governing the quasi-static and dynamical behavior of a viscoelastic Timoshenko beam are derived . The viscoelastic material is assumed to obey a three-dimensional fractional derivative constitutive relation .

    利用粘弹性材料的三维 分数导数型本构关系,建立了粘弹性Timoshenko梁的静、动力学行为研究的数学模型。

  • A lower bound of I function of large deviation for Markov chains was presented and applied to obtain the conclusion that the rate of convergence in propability for Annealing algorithm has a order of fractional power of number of states .

    首先得出马尔可夫链大偏差Ⅰ函数的下界,并利用它得出Annealing算法依概率收敛速度 具有状态总数的 分数幂阶。

  • In the Rubidium frequency standard It is necessary to generate a fractional frequency signal . So DDS ( direct digital synthesis ) is optimal candidate .

    在铷原子频标中, 需要产生 带有 小数频率的微波信号,DDS(Directdigitalsynthesis)逐渐成为实现该频率的最佳手段。

  • To describe the distribution condition of filling particles in polymer nano-composites a description method based on fractional Brownian motion ( FBM ) model was proposed .

    为了描述纳米填料填充复合材料分散相的分散均匀性,提出了 基于 分数布朗运动模型的纳米填料填充复合材料分散相分散均匀性描述方法。

  • Specifically this thesis completes the following tasks . ( 1 ) Present a novel algorithm to estimate the parameters of a quadratic frequency modulated ( QFM ) signal based on the fractional Fourier transform ( FRFT ) .

    具体的讲,本文主要完成以下工作。(1)提出了基于 分数 傅里叶变换的三次相位信号参数估计方法。

  • Finally we give some numerical examples to show that the Predictor-Corrector method provides a computational effective method for simulating the behavior of the solution of the fractional differential equations of Endolymph .

    最后给出了数值例子 说明这个预估-校正方法是模拟 分数 Endolymph微分方程解性态的计算有效的方法。

  • So it is necessary to design domestic chipsets . A TD-SCDMA frequency synthesizer is designed in this paper third-order interpolative Delta-Sigma fractional PLL has been adopted for the frequency synthesizer designed .

    本论文设计了 基于三阶内插型Delta-Sigma 小数分频电荷泵锁相环结构的TD-SCDMA频率综合器。

  • In order to detect the object in seabed in underwater acoustic image automatically a synchro method based on matched filter and fractional detection is proposed in this paper .

    实现水声图象中沉底目标的自动探测,提出 匹配滤波和 分形检测相融合的方法。

  • An algorithm to a nonlinear programming problem of fractional objective function


  • The integer data type is used to specify a numeric value without a fractional component .

    整数数据类型 用于指定没有 小数部分的数值。

  • To improve cell-edge user ( CEU ) performance a new soft fractional frequency reuse ( SFFR ) scheme is introduced .

    为了提高小区边缘用户(CEU)性能,提出了 新型软 分数频率复用(SFFR)方法。

  • It is not always easy to separate a mixture of liquids into pure substances by fractional distillation .
