


  • Tod 's a fool & a born fool .


  • M : There-s a customer Tod . Will you serve him ?

    经理: 托德,顾客来了,你去照应一下好吗?

  • This article analyze how to choose the model of mass rapid transit when implement TOD in different city forms .

    并对不同城市规模和空间发展模式下“BRT主导型” TOD模式的适应性进行了分析。

  • M : No matter what he 's wearing Tod just show him the cheapest .

    经理: 托德,别管他的穿着了,给他最便宜的看看就行了。

  • CAED you at work and they TOD me you were here .

    我在工作时打给你,而他们 告诉我你在这里。

  • First the appearance collection and research of Tod historical literature .

    首先, 阐述 历史文献的出现及整理研究情况。

  • Tod sees a fox . Who 's she ?


  • Tod Clifton 's one with the ages .


  • You mean you did it all on your tod ?

    你是说这都是你 独自一人做的?

  • Mike asked George to trade places with him so he could ride with Tod

    迈克要求乔治和他交换位置,让他和 托德同坐一辆车。

  • This study investigated the association of OHT and orthostatic hypotension ( OH ) with cardiovascular disease ( CVD ) and target organ damage ( TOD ) in hypertensive patients .

    本研究旨在研究在高血压患者中心血管疾病(CVD)和靶器官损害( TOD)与OHT和直立性低血压(OH)之间的关系。

  • Tod shook his head angrily and slung the coil of rope over his shoulder


  • M : Come come . Get him his change Tod .

    顾客:的了,的了,给他找钱 托德

  • Tod is not sad now .

    现在, 托托不伤心了。

  • I spent the evening on my tod again .

    我又 单独度过了这一晚。

  • Where is Tod ? He 's in the forest .


  • He doesn 't want everyone to go at once and leave him all on his tod .

    他希望大家不要一下子全走了,留下他 孤零零一个人。

  • Because she TOD me you are gong to de.

    因为她 告诉我,你要死了。

  • A Research on Programming of Urban Mass Transit Based on TOD

    基于 TOD的城市轨道交通规划及策略研究

  • Traffic Planning in Harbin Based on TOD

    基于 TOD的哈尔滨市交通规划研究

  • You see tod relationships and show business they just don 't mix .

    看到了吧, 托德,友情和娱乐行业,它们不能融合在一起。

  • Currently he is conducting research on the Asian experience in Transit Oriented Development ( TOD ) .

    现在他主要从事亚洲地区以交通为导向的发展 模式研究。

  • This article explores integration of transport hub at the process of urban redevelopment basing on TOD model .

    本文探讨在城市旧城改造过程中,基于 TOD模式下的交通枢纽地块的土地综合利用。

  • I didn 't go out last night . I sat at home on my TOD watching television .

    昨晚我没出去,我 独自一人在家看电视。

  • The Application of TOD in the IR Imaging System Performance Characterization


  • We already knew that the quality would be the same level as Tod 's for these new lines and it gave us the confidence to really build a business with him .

    我们已经知道,新的产品质量将和 Tod's 其它 产品一样,这让我们有信心和 德里克真正确立商业合作。

  • I gave Tod the nod and he started the car .

    我向 托德点头示意,他便发动了车。