toil at

[tɔɪl æt][tɔil æt]


  • Many of the foreigners come here to toil at sea or on farms or in factories providing cheap labor in jobs shunned by South Koreans .

    很多外籍劳工到韩国做 海员,或是进入农场和工厂工作,他们提供了韩国人不愿意低就的廉价的劳动力;

  • Three days and nights of toil and hunger in the cave were not to be shaken off at once as Tom and Becky soon discovered .

    很快汤姆和贝基明白了:由于呆在洞中三天三夜,又 又饥, 身体还不可能一 下子恢复过来。

  • Those experiments were performed after the long days toil was over at late night or early morning and when the great parts of mankind were soundly asleep .

    经过一天的 辛劳,大部分的人 深夜或黎明之前睡得很熟,这些实验就是在这个时候进行的。

  • It might be argued that training teachers doctors dentists and nurses is nothing to do with capitalism since almost all toil within the public sector at least in Britain .

    人们可能辩称,培养教师、医生、牙医和护士与资本主义无关,因为几乎所有 都在公共部门 工作至少在英国 如此

  • At the age of 21 through toil and determination Lord Foster who as a child spent stretches of time sketching buildings won a place at architecture school where he had to pay his way by working .

    小时候,福斯特花了大量时间练习建筑素描,凭借 刻苦 努力和坚定的决心,21岁时赢得 进入建筑学院学习的机会,但只能是勤工俭学。