token access

[ˈtokən ˈæksɛs][ˈtəukən ˈækses]

[计] 令牌访问

  • This time the request token has been authorized and it can be exchanged with Twitter for an access token .

    此次已授权了请求 令牌并且它可以与Twitter交换以 获得 访问令牌。

  • A multiprocessor system using token passing bus access method

    使用 令牌传递总线送 方法的多处理机系统

  • Multi-service Token Bucket Algorithm of MAC QoS System in Access Network

    接入网MAC层QoS系统的多业务 令牌桶流量整形算法

  • The reason is that John 's security token is from the job manager realm and John 's access ID has not been authorized for the deployment manager .

    原因在于John的安全 令牌来自作业管理器领域,而John的 访问ID未获得部署管理器的授权。

  • New model for token role-based access control on enterprise portal

    企业门户中基于 令牌的角色 访问控制模型

  • Upon successful validation the service provider issues the access token to access the protected resources .

    成功确认之后,服务提供商颁发访问 令牌访问受保护资源。

  • The proposed support sharing bandwidth pair of token buckets traffic limit algorithm premises the guarantee safeguard bandwidth shares farthest current useable bandwidth thus may highly effective realize user 's access control and management of network bandwidth .

    提出的扶持共享带宽的双 令牌桶流量限制算法在保证保障带宽的前提下,最大程度地共享可用的带宽,从而高效地实现用户 上网控制和管理网络带宽。

  • If your registration is successful you will get a consumer key a consumer secret and three URLs ( the request token URL access token URL and authorize URL ) .

    注册成功后,您将获得一个使用者密钥、使用者机密(secret)和3个URL(请求 令牌URL、 访问令牌URL和授权URL)。

  • Token ring is an access method extensively used in LAN ( Local Area Network ) .

    标记传递法是在LAN(计算机局部网络)中广泛应用的一种 存取 控制方式。

  • This fixed memory allotment for token management gives applications easier access to token state information and helps ensure conformance with the PKCS # 11 specification .

    这块为 令牌管理分配的固定内存使得应用程序更容易地 访问令牌状态信息并确保和PKCS11规范的一致性。

  • SOA framework based on Web Services SAML token designed to exchange secure information for users and the role-based access control ( RBAC ) are used in this system .

    该系统采用了基于WebServices技术的SOA构架,使用 SAML票据来进行用户安全信息的 传输和交换,并且使用了基于角色的 访问控制模型(RBAC)。

  • Once the user gets the authentication token he can access the web application using the system .

    统一身份认证系统中用户一旦通过身份验证, 持有认证 令牌即可 访问所有被授权的服务。

  • Now that the token is present in the HTTP flows the HTTP access service opens a connection to an enterprise host and relays traffic back and forth similar to an SSL / TLS gateway .

    现在,HTTP流中有了 令牌,HTTP 访问服务打开与一个企业主机的连接,并中继来回传输,就像SSL/TLS网关一样。

  • Write down the access token and access token secret .

    记下访问 令牌 访问令牌secret。

  • The token is valid only for a finite duration and can be revoked if there is a need to remove a particular user 's access .

    令牌只在有限的时间内有效,如果需要删除特定用户的 访问 权限,也可以删除该令牌。

  • RS 485 physical layer standard is applied to build bus topolopy control network token bus is adopted in this network to realize multiple access in order to meet real-time request of control network .

    应用RS485物理层标准,构建总线型的控制网络,采用 令牌方式实现总线的共享 访问,以适应控制网络实时性要求。

  • In this paper two types of new prioritized token ring access protocols in local area networks called R-PTR and WR-PTR are proposed and their throughput-delay performance is evaluated through the theoretical analysis and simulation experiments .

    本文提出两种新的具有优先权的、 令牌环形网通信协议,分别叫做 R-PTR和WR-PTR方式,并从理论上分析了这两种方式的信道利用率&传输时延特性,给出了仿真实验结果。

  • If the signature is not verified the authenticator is not added to the token and the attempt to access the external resource fails .

    如果未验证签名,不会将身份验证者添加到 标记中且尝试 访问外部资源将失败。

  • Once the SAML token is trusted and authenticated the holder of the token can access all application systems and does not need authentication any more .

    一旦SAML 令牌被信任和验证,持有者就可以 登录所有的应用系统,而不用重新进行身份验证。

  • Implementation of Token Ring Access Control and Its Queue Model

    令牌环介质 存取控制的实现及其排队模型

  • The credential token establishes what rights one has over a specific document and it is used to manage access to documents .

    证书 令牌会确定用户对于特定的文档拥有什么样的权限,从而被用于管理对文档的 访问

  • By introducing synchronous clock and token chain network nodes can share a common data link and their access control circuits can be as simple as only using several D F / Fs .

    它引入了同步时钟和 令牌链,使得各点可共享一条通信数据线而 访问控制电路却简单到仅用几个D触发器即可实现。

  • A Shuttled Virtual Token Access protocol Used in Bus-LANs

    总线式局域网的穿梭式虚 令牌 访问规约

  • When an AFS client tries to access AFS space it may need to provide the token data to obtain access to the data it is requesting .

    当AFS客户端试图访问AFS空间时,可能需要提供此 令牌数据来获得对所请求数据的 访问

  • After the OAuth handshake completes the access token is issued and the consumer can use the access token to access the protected resources on behalf of the user .

    OAuth握手完成之后,访问令牌颁发,客户可以使用这个访问 令牌代表用户 访问受保护的数据。

  • An Application Service Token Mechanism is designed and the feature of Universal Access of Application Services is guaranteed .

    设计应用服务 令牌,保证了统一应用服务 接入

  • Finally the Java System . out . println () code that 's generated in the parser is able to get at the internals of that token at parse time using t.image to access and print out its textual value .

    最后,在解析器中生成的JavaSystem.out.println()代码可以在解析时在那个 记号的内部使用t.image进行 访问并且打印其文本值。

  • Consumers of this service must use a service request message flow which has been encrypted and a SAML token added to the flow to access the service provider .

    服务的消费者必须使用一个已被加密的服务请求消息流以及一个已被添加到流中的SAML 令牌 访问服务提供商。