toggle breakpoint

[ˈtɑɡəl ˈbrekˌpɔɪnt][ˈtɔɡl ˈbreɪkˌpɔɪnt]

[计] 切换断点

  • Directly to the left of the line where you want to add the breakpoint open the marker bar ( vertical ruler ) pop-up menu and click Toggle Breakpoint .

    在要加断点的行的最左边打开标记栏(垂直标尺)弹出菜单并单击 Toggle Breakpoint

  • If desired set breakpoints in your data flow by right-clicking on a connection between operators in your data flow and clicking Toggle Breakpoint .

    必要时,在数据流中设置断点,方法是在数据流中操作符之间的连接上单击右键,然后单击 Toggle Breakpoint