toll line

[tol laɪn][təul lain]


  • On the process of marketing the first problem we muse solve is that what is the standard toll of Chinese railway line .

    我国铁路在逐步走向市场化、适应市场需求的过程中,必须首先解决的一个问题是铁路运输企业 线路使用 收费标准问题。

  • 【 Objective 】 To observe the effect of different active ingredients from Chinese herbal medicine on interleukin 8 ( IL-8 ) secretion and Toll-like receptor 4 ( TLR4 ) mRNA expression in human intestinal tumor cell ( HT-29 ) line .

    【目的】观察不同中药单体对人结肠癌细胞株 HT-29细胞 Toll 受体信使核糖核酸(TLR4mRNA)表达及白细胞介素8(IL-8)分泌的影响。

  • The expression and functionality of Toll-like receptors in human corneal epithelium and tolerated human corneal epithelial cell line

    Toll 受体在人眼角膜上皮和永生化人角膜上皮细胞 的表达及功能研究

  • This paper introduces the toll network product based on optical fiber related with voltage electrie power line and its network instruction plan .

    介绍现有高压电力 线相关的基于光纤的 长途网络产品,以及可能采用的网络结构方案。

  • Atriplex spilled toll left of this line it ?

    那满地的榆钱是 此行留下的 路费吗?

  • Operating cost analysis of water-source heat pump system in Henan Toll Line Maintenance Bureau

    河南省 长线局水源热泵系统运行费用分析

  • The New Method of Open Toll House in Main Line Construction and High Interchange

    主线施工不封闭 收费 及高接高互通立交的新方法

  • According to the current toll status of domestic expressway and traffic jam on main line the combined toll collection technology plan was proposed based on the double-interface card and the double-chip electronic label which can perfectly solve problems that current status produces .

    针对国内高速公路 收费方式的现状和 主线收费站交通堵塞的问题,提出基于双界面卡和双片式电子标签的组合式收费技术方案,可完整地解决现有环境下所产生的问题。

  • In the method toll time display of transverse first line in cross-tab was accomplished with embedding function of data window . A provisional data table with one register was designed to select dynamically year and to do data statistic of the year .

    该方法的关键,一是利用数据窗口的内嵌函数使交叉表横向 表头只显示 缴费时间,二是设计一个只有一个记录的临时数据表实现动态地选择年份进行该年的数据统计。

  • Having been monitored and inspected on the toll line this algorithm is excellent in the accuracy and the robustness . The proper license plate locating rate is 98.7 % and the proper character segmentation accuracy reaches 99 % .

    经过现场检测,该算法定位与分割准确率较好,且具有很好的鲁棒性,车牌定位准确率为 98.7%,字符分割正确率为99%。

  • Sub-toll center main lane toll station ramp toll station charging square and charging lane are set up on the whole line .

    高速公路收费制式采用封闭式, 全线设收费分中心、主线收费站、匝道 收费站,收费广场,收费车道。

  • Study of Expressway Toll Collection On - Line Technique

    公路 联网 收费 关键技术研究

  • Firstly according to the technical standards of the national highway Electronic Toll Collection System Shaanxi Province forms its own technical solutions and operation management program that is in line with the develop of the highway in Shaanxi Province .

    首先,根据国内高速公路 停车 收费系统技术标准,陕西省高速公路形成了 符合本省发展的 停车 收费 系统技术方案、运营管理方案。

  • In the ETC ( Electronic Toll Collection ) system using RFID technology especially in the automated highway toll collection applications the technology can be cost-effective solution to high fees management confusion line up congestion caused by traffic jams and car exhaust pollution .

    而在ETC(电子不停车收费)系统中使用RFID技术,特别是高速公路自动 收费的应用上,可以有效解决收费成本高、管理混乱、 排队堵车以及汽车拥堵造成的尾气污染。