
[医]勒钩属,飞龙掌血属:芸香科中的一属,东印度群岛的有刺勒钩(T. aculeata),为芳香健胃药,印度以其皮为黄色染料。根皮被认为是抗疟药,具抗疟解热作用

  • A study on anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of alkaloids of Toddalia asiatica

    飞龙 生物 碱抗炎镇痛作用的研究

  • Results : The administration of alkaloids of Toddalia asiatica had the function of inhibiting the auricle swelling caused by xylol and joint swelling caused by agar and leucocyte migration caused by CMC-Na decreasing the body-distortion of the rats .

    结果: 飞龙 生物 碱制剂小鼠灌胃给药能抑制二甲苯所致耳肿胀和琼脂所致足肿胀,抑制羧甲基纤维素钠所致腹腔白细胞游走,抑制酯酸所致小鼠扭体反应。

  • Effects of aqueous extract from toddalia asiatica on cardiac function and hemodynamics in myocardial ischemic rabbits

    飞龙 血水 对心肌缺血兔心功能和血液动力学的影响

  • Protective effects of aqueous extract of Toddalia Asiatica on experimental myocardial infarction in rats

    飞龙 血水提取物对大鼠实验性心肌梗死的保护作用

  • Determination of nitidine chloride in Toddalia Asiatica by RP-HPLC

    RP-HPLC法测定 飞龙 中氯化两面针碱的含量

  • Identification of antiviral activity of Toddalia asiatica against influenza type A virus

    飞龙 抗A型流感病毒活性的鉴定