toll charge

[tol tʃɑrdʒ][təul tʃɑ:dʒ]


  • With the constant increasing of highway construction and traffic the existing traffic capacity of the toll station and way of charge could not meet the requirements of the speedy passage of vehicles .

    随着高速公路的建设和车流量不断地增长,原有 收费站的通行能力和 收费方式已难以满足车辆快速通行的要求。

  • ETC ( Electronic Toll Collection ) as one of the services of ITS ( Intelligent Transportation System ) is a kind of electronic automatic charge system that is used by highways bridges and tunnels . People are trying hard to explore and spread it .

    电子 停车收费 系统(Electronic TollCollection,简称ETC)是智能交通系统(ITS)的主要服务内容之一,是国际上正在努力开发并推广普及的一种用于公路、大桥和隧道的电子自动 收费系统。

  • It is also put forward that the proper strategies to control the overloading in China are to regulate the highway transportation market and reduce the toll charge of toll road .

    适合我国现状的治超策略在于治理运输市场和降低公路 收费

  • In microscopic our government intervenes the operations of toll roads directly by its power including : market entry regulation market structure regulation charge standard regulation and service quality regulation .

    微观方面是政府利用行政权力对 收费公路的运营进行直接干预,包括:市场进入规制、市场结构规制、 收费标准规制和服务质量规制。

  • It made the highway construction develop greatly . However some problems emerged as the development of toll roads for instance exceeded amount of toll roads improper proportion of toll roads in different grades high charge standard and unfairness in expense allocation .

    但是,收费公路在取得发展的同时也出现了不少亟待解决的问题,如收费公路规模过大、各等级公路 收费比例不合理、 收费标准偏高和收费分摊存在某些不公平之处等。

  • Highway building funds usually come from finance and loans and to repay the loan there are toll collection stations on the highway to charge passing vehicles .

    我国目前建设高速公路的资金通常来自融资、贷款等,因此需要通过向过往车辆征收 通行 费用以偿还所借款项。

  • However ignited the conversion overloading of vehicles with highway toll highlights the growing conflict but have not re-introduction of a charge of road maintenance costs climbed sharply .

    但随之引发的改装、超载车辆与高速公路 收费矛盾也日益突显,而未实施计重 收费的公路养护成本急剧攀升。

  • It indicates in practice that it can rise and enhance the reading distance through adding power magnifier thus it has great application value in vehicle identification and toll charge fields and so on .

    实践表明,在后级加上功率放大模块,能大大提高阅读距离,在车辆识别, 停车 收费等领域有较高的应用价值。

  • The property management toll should include the Integrated Service Charge proved by OPS ( office price Stabilization ) and the from running the water pump in building .

    物业 包括物业局批的综合管理 和楼内水泵运行发生的费用。

  • In order to further standardize the management of toll roads and coordinate with the work of controlling transport of out-of-gauge goods as well part of toll roads in 29 provinces across the country implement weight-calculating charge .

    为了进一步规范收费公路的管理,同时配合治理超限运输工作,目前全国已有29个省份的部分 收费公路实行计重 收费

  • A framework for building toll and controlling system using computer network technology to support long distance charge of physically distributed system over Internet is proposed .

    应用计算机网络技术构建了一个 收费与监控系统的框架结构,它通过Internet支持跨地域的远程 电脑 收费系统。

  • Settle the toll rate and charge standard with the unification of vehicle classification .

    推算车型分类改变后的 收费率及 收费标准。

  • With the implement of network charges and the increase of the circular constructions the reasonable toll discharge among different owners of freeway has become more and more important in the charge and management of freeway .

    随着联网收费和路网中环路的增加,如何将 通行 在各个业主之间进行合理 拆分,成为高速公路 联网 收费与科学管理的关键。

  • To deter improper charges improper fines and improper setting up of toll gates it not only ordered cancellation of148 items of unreasonable charges but also implemented the the charge record card registration card system for both collectively and privately owned economies .

    为制止乱收费、乱罚款和乱 设卡,除勒令取消一百四十八项不合理收费外,对集体、个体私营经济实行“ 缴费明白卡、登记卡”制度。

  • The road freight vehicle toll by weight is a charge pattern reformation on charge road in China it is more fair and rational than the charge way by vehicle type classification .

    公路货车 收费是对我国收费公路 收费模式的改革,它比现行按车型分类的收费方式更具公平性和合理性。