tolerance analysis

[ˈtɑlərəns əˈnælɪsɪs][ˈtɔlərəns əˈnæləsis]


  • Besides applications and algorithms ( including Importance Sampling Genetic Algorithms ) of tolerance analysis are reviewed .

    另外,还研究了 容差 分析应用、 容差 分析算法(如重要抽样、基因算法等)。

  • In this paper tolerance analysis mainly relates to three methods viz .

    本文中的 公差 分析主要涉及三种方法&极值法、统计法和蒙特卡洛法。

  • Besides the process of optimization tolerance analysis and image quality evaluation is briefly described .

    文章简单叙述了透镜设计的优化过程,并对规划后的 透镜进行了 公差 分析和像质评价。

  • The product resource based tolerance analysis method is researched .

    研究了基于生产资源库的 装配 容差 分析方法。

  • Application of number theoretic methods in statistical tolerance analysis

    数论方法在统计 公差 分析中的应用

  • Robust Optimization and Tolerance Analysis of Autobody Panel Stamping

    汽车覆盖件成形工艺的稳健优化与 容差 分析

  • The works in this dissertation focused on the study on the existed methods of tolerance analysis and design . Moreover design centering also was a part content of the dissertation .

    本文主要研究了现有的一些 容差 分析和设计的方法,同时也对参数的中心设计进行了较为细致的研究。

  • The specific application of tolerance analysis in selecting film and improving monitoring of film thickness is presented .

    列举了 分析在优选膜系、改善膜厚监控中的具体应用。

  • And then explains the principle of the relationship between tolerance-cost based on the tolerance analysis and tolerance comprehensive knowledge .

    再根据 公差 分析和公差综合的原理知识,说明了公差&成本间的关系。

  • Study on the Methods of Tolerance Analysis and Design

    容差 分析和设计方法研究

  • Application of the Theory of Robust Design in Tolerance Analysis

    稳健设计理论在 公差 分析中的应用

  • Car body ; Quality wntml ; Tolerance analysis and synthesis ; Sheet mefial parts assembly ;

    车身;质量控制; 误差 分析与综台;薄壁件装配;

  • Research on Tolerance Analysis of Visualization

    可视化 公差 分析方法的研究

  • Tolerance analysis and fault diagnosis are important ways to develop the product s reliable and to guarantee product s stabilization .

    容差 分析与故障诊断是提高电工产品的设计质量并保证其工作稳定性和可靠性的重要手段。

  • Tolerance design includes tolerance analysis and tolerance allocation .

    公差设计的内容包括 公差 分析和公差分配。

  • So tolerance analysis for calculating the influence of the errors is very necessary in designing high precision electronic circuits .

    在设计高精度的电子线路中,作为计算误差对电子线路性能的影响的 容差 分析就显得非常必要。

  • This research work done is to realize tolerance analysis of the aircraft engine digital assembly .

    本文所做研究工作,实现了面向航空发动机数字化装配的 公差 分析

  • A method of tolerance analysis and optimization design is investigated . The main key techniques of tolerance analysis and design of the servo mechanism of the guidance head is analyzed .

    研究了 公差 分析与优化设计的方法,分析了导引头伺服机构公差分析与设计的主要关键技术。

  • Tolerance analysis is one of the foundation of the function reliability study of mechanisms and also an aspect of the function reliability study of mechanisms .

    容差 问题是机构系统功能可靠性研究的一个基础,也是机构系统功能可靠性研究的一个方面。

  • Tolerance Analysis of Doppler Amplifier Based on the Worst Case Analysis

    基于最坏情况分析法的多普勒放大器 容差 分析

  • Making full use of knowledge in manufacturing tolerance analysis combined with the beta distribution model is introduced and applied .

    所用 分析方法充分利用制造 环境知识,把贝塔分布应用于 公差设计。

  • The feature expert system which services tolerance analysis and tolerance synthesis is introduced .

    介绍了一个服务于 公差 分析与综合的特征专家系统。

  • In this paper the equation of circuit tolerance analysis is established then an interval iterative algorithm is presented .

    本文建立了电路 容差 分析方程,提出了区间迭代的算法。

  • Drought Tolerance Analysis of Main Processing Tomato Cultivars from Xinjiang by PEG Stress during Germination Stage

    PEG胁迫下新疆主要加工番茄萌芽期 耐旱 评价

  • Tolerance Analysis of Coupling Slot of Millimeter Wave Slot Array

    毫米波波导缝隙阵中耦合缝隙的 公差 分析

  • Distribution and drug tolerance analysis of 150 strains of yeast-like-fungi

    150例酵母样真菌的菌种分布及其 耐药性 分析

  • It greatly reduced the workload of the establishment of circuit model and avoided the handling of complex computing not only the realization of EDA technology-based generic circuit tolerance analysis technology and methods but also to achieve circuit performance and reliability of the parallel design .

    它大大减轻了建立电路模型的工作量和避免了对复杂运算的处理,不但能实现以EDA技术为基础的通用电路 容差 分析技术和方法,而且能够实现电路性能和可靠性的并行设计分析。

  • In this paper the technique of position tolerance analysis in CAD based variation geometry is mainly studied ;

    主要研究在变动几何CAD环境下进行位置 公差 分析技术。