toll bar


  • By means of line toll bar and acreage method this paper give a tourist carrying capacity measure to Tiankeng ﹠ Difeng Scenery Area including 3 administrative levels tourist carrying capacity instantaneous capacity daily capacity and annual capacity .

    综合采用线路法、 卡口法、面积法等计算方法测算出了重庆天坑地缝景区的游客瞬时容量、日游人容量、年游人容量等3个层次的环境容量;

  • For overcoming the disadvantages of some manual work on highway toll gate such as lower efficiency and much fallibility a control system which operates the vehicle detection bar management and follower 's collision prevention is presented .

    针对道路 收费 人工操作时效率低下和易出差错等诸多不足,提出了一种能实现车辆到离检测、 栏杆控制和避免追尾碰撞的自动控制系统。

  • Application of Video Technique in Super Highway Toll Bar

    视频技术在高速公路 收费中的应用