


  • Conclusion : Tolmetin sodium has a better analgesic effect and less adverse reactions in the treatment of acute pulpitis .

    结论: 托美 钠对急性牙髓炎有较好的镇痛效果,不良反应 发生 低。

  • Objective : To evaluate the analgesic effect of tolmetin sodium in acute pulpitis .

    目的:评价 托美 钠对急性牙髓炎的镇痛效果。

  • Results AMG and its metabolite tolmetin ( TOL ) significantly inhibited the ear edema induced by xylene in mice and reduce the weight of granuloma induced by cotton pellet respectively ( P < 0.05 ) .

    结果AMG与其代谢产物 托美 (TOL)均能显著抑制二甲苯诱导的小鼠耳肿胀和棉球诱导的大鼠肉芽肿(P<0.05)。