




  • The threat of bankruptcy is a legitimate tool to extract money from them .

    破产威胁是从他们那里索得钱款的合法 手段

  • Rational Software Architect is an integrated design and development tool that leverages model-driven development with UML .

    RationalSoftwareArchitect是一个集成式的设计和开发 工具,它利用了UML的模型驱动开发。

  • You can do this by using the system wizard deployment tool from the HMC .

    您可以使用HMC中的系统向导部署 工具来完成这项工作。

  • Black-leather jackets and tattoos are the standard tools of the trade for heavy-metal musicians .

    黑皮夹克与纹身是重金属乐手的标准 行头

  • The factory has built itself up by starting with an old machine tool .

    该厂是靠一台旧 机床起的家。

  • There is every indication that they will continue to be a basic part of every control engineer 's tool kit for many years to come .

    各种迹象表明,在今后的很多年中,它们仍将是每个控制工程师的一套基本 工具

  • Essentially it is a new tool of the United States for purpose of economic aggression and political overthrow .

    它最根本就是为美国进行经济侵略,进行政治颠覆的新式 工具

  • It will save considerable machining time to use more than one tool in one machine to perform several machine operations either in sequence or simultaneously .

    在一台机器上使用数种 刀具来顺次或同时进行几项机器操作,将节省大量加工时间。

  • The tool will be fine for the job .

    那件 工具干这活儿正合适。

  • An axe is a tool used cutting wood .

    斧子是一种砍木头的 工具

  • We assume that you have installed the tools and that you have completed the initial tool configuration .

    我们假定,您已经安装了我们的工具并且进行了初始的 工具配置。

  • Writing is a good tool for discharging overwhelming feelings

    写作是宣泄强烈感情的好 方法

  • Both the alignment tool and the identity comparison technology allow for automation and command-line invocation .

    这个合并 工具和身份对照技术都允许自动化和命令行的调用。

  • This tool is handy for various jobs .


  • It also introduces the ability for you to implement and add your own customized analysis modules to this tool .

    另外,其中还引入了在此 工具中实现和添加自己的自定义分析模块的能力。

  • The young worker has formed the habit of having every tool in its place .

    这位青年工人已习惯于把每一件 工具放在应该放的位置。

  • This is a very handy tool for opening cans .

    这是一种很简便的开罐头 工具

  • The video has become an invaluable teaching tool

    录像已经成为非常有用的教学 手段

  • This tool will answer for our needs .


  • An iron tool if never used will corrode with rust .

    铁制 工具长期不用会锈损。

  • Especially it provides a profitable tool for extracting rules from experience knowledge .

    该模型为经验知识的总结归纳提供了有益 手段

  • A software development tool used to test and debug embedded software .

    一个软件开发 工具,被用来对嵌入式软件进行测试和除错。

  • I find the best tool for the purpose is a pair of shears .

    我发现做这件事最得力的 工具是一把大剪刀。

  • They 're here to learn the tools of their trade from their American colleagues

    他们来这里向美国同事学习行业 技术 技能

  • An intelligent computer will be an indispensable diagnostic tool for doctors .

    智能计算机将成为医生不可或缺的诊断 工具

  • IRAD provides tool support to facilitate portal and JSF development .

    IRAD提供了支持便利的portal和JSF开发 工具

  • He became the tool of the security services .

    他成了安全部门的 工具

  • Tool companies here are generally small .

    这里制造 工具的公司普遍规模不大。

  • The calculator is a tool not a crutch ; yet it is increasingly being used as a crutch by many children

    计算器是 工具,不是拐杖,可是现在很多孩子越来越依赖它。