

[医] 牙胚,齿胚

  • Conclusion Fluoride may inhibit tooth-germ cell proliferation by restraining the expression of Cyclin D1 and PCNA leading to the abnormal tooth development .

    结论F~-可能通过抑制cyClinD1和PCNA的表达 引起细胞增殖的抑制,导致牙 发育异常。

  • Result The human tooth germs continued developing and tooth-germ cells ( ameloblast and odontoblast ) differentiated into more progressive stage in vitro .

    结果人乳牙牙胚在体外培养 期间继续发育, 牙齿 形成细胞(成釉细胞和成牙本质细胞)分化 程度&步提高。