top casting process

[tɑp ˈkæstɪŋ ˈprɑsˌɛs][tɔp ˈkæstɪŋ ˈprəuses]

[机] 顶铸法

  • The measures on improving the cleanliness of molten steel such as rational burden of EAF for temperature of steel tapping enough holding time of refining suitable top casting temperature protective casting and perfecting the process control are put forth .

    提出了通过电炉合合理配料,保证出钢温度;精炼保证足够的镇静时间,确保合适的 连铸温度和连铸执行保护浇注及完善生产 过程控制提高钢水洁净度的措施。

  • Based on the permanent mold casting process of Al-piston with top insulating riser feeding process semi-permanent insulating sleeves matching permanent mold casting process of Al-piston have been designed .

    根据金属型铸造铝活塞的工艺特点,采用 顶部保温冒口补缩工艺,设计了能与铝活塞金属型 铸造 工艺相匹配的半永久型保温冒口套。