top hat

[tɑp hæt][tɔp hæt]


  • His silhouette showed a top hat a coat which fanned out at the top and bottom and he appeared rather tall .

    他看上去身材高大,戴 尖尖的 帽子,身上的大衣从领口到下摆像一个扇面一样伸展开来。

  • All these art works depict a scatter-brained character called Bip who is traditionally dressed in sailor suit and a grey top hat decorated with a red flower .

    所有这些艺术作品描述的都是一个叫比普的浮躁、愚笨的人物,他总是身着水手服, 插着一朵红花的灰色 礼帽

  • This top hat is for formal occasions . A top hat is a rare sight these days .


  • The silk top hat originated in Florence c.1760 .

    约在1760年丝质 高帽出现在佛罗伦斯。

  • It was a cylinder about the size of a top hat slightly narrower at the waist and with a lid .

    那是一个圆筒,大小和 礼帽差不多,在中部微微收细,有一个盖子。

  • If an MP wish to speak while a division is taking place he has to wear a hat and an old top hat be keep in the house of Commons for this purpose .

    如果下院议员希望在分歧发生时发言,他必须戴一项帽子。为此目的在下院保留着一项老式的 礼帽

  • Cornelius Fudge wears a pinstriped cloak a violet top hat emerald green trousers etc.

    康奈利?吉穿着细条纹斗篷、罗兰 礼帽、翠绿裤子等等。

  • The top hat is for formal occasions .

    这种 只有在正式场合才能

  • The necktie looks set to follow the top hat in being consigned to the fashion museum by office workers within the next 50 years according to research .

    调查显示,在未来50年内,领带将可能被职场白领淘汰,和 礼帽 一样被放逐到服饰博物馆去。

  • Since I 've pointed out that there is almost always an easier way to perform a task I 'll now show you that there 's a much easier way to replace the top hat image with the rabbit image .

    既然指出了执行一项任务几乎总是有更简单的方法,现在就说明用兔子图片替换 帽子图片的简单得多的办法。

  • If Top Hat and Fedora were phony what of the leads they gave to penetration of British security ? hard hat ( safety headgear )

    假如 礼帽和软帽是假的,他们提供的英国安全部门被人渗透的线索又该如何看呢?

  • Some of the animals have been featured on a kilt and a top hat .

    尸体酒瓶上还围上极具英国特色的苏格兰方格呢短裙,动物 礼帽

  • In traditional top hat and tails on the first day of the Royal Ascot Races last year .

    在去年英国皇家 爱斯科赛马会开幕的第一天,查尔斯王储以传统绅士形象现身。

  • Hollis knew that these people had grave doubts about Top Hat .

    霍利斯知道这些人对 礼帽非常怀疑。

  • My father is the man in the top hat over there .

    我父亲就是那边 礼帽的那个人。

  • A tiny man in a violet top hat had bowed to him once while out shopping with Aunt Petunia and Dudley .

    一次他跟佩妮姨妈和达力上街买东西,就有一个 紫罗兰色 礼帽的小个子男人向他鞠躬行礼。

  • I have never met such savage manners . A top hat is a rare sight these days .

    我从未见过如此粗暴无礼的举止。 礼帽现在已不多见。

  • Meanwhile a new containment box - a cylinder called a top hat - was placed on the sea floor near the well leak .

    同时,一个新的控制漏油的装置-一个被称作 礼帽的圆筒形设备-被放置在了海底泄漏点的附近。

  • The44-year-old musician who wore a top hat black and red trousers and a white t-shirt got the crowds going as he performed alongside myles kennedy .

    这位44岁的老音乐家,戴了个 帽子,穿着黑红相间的裤子和一件白体恤,他和迈尔斯-肯尼迪联手表演,把现场气氛带到高潮。

  • Ling-li approached the guy in a top hat who was drumming up business at a lectern out front .

    一个 礼帽的人正站在门前的讲台后面兜揽生意。玲丽走上前去,他装出用古老的英语腔调说话,显出一副害怕的样子。

  • She created a whole world around the device & one populated by humans a whale in a top hat and dragons .

    在作品中,她围绕这台机器创造了一整个世界:人类、 礼帽的鲸鱼和龙居住在其中。

  • I nearly burst out laughing when I saw him in that cheesy top hat .

    看见他 俗不可耐的 帽子我都快笑出声了。

  • Put the collapsed top hat into its box .

    将折叠好的 礼帽放在箱子里。

  • In Flagg 's version Uncle Sam wears a tall top hat and blue jacket and is pointing straight ahead at the viewer .

    在弗雷戈的版本中,山姆大叔带着一 ,穿着蓝色外套,向前直指观看者。

  • A Numerical Study of the Influence of Bump Type Triggers on the Axial Crushing of Top Hat Thin-Walled Sections

    撞击型触发器对 形薄壁截面轴向挤压影响的数值分析

  • Rhodium-plated snowman with clear crystal beads and black enamel top hat ; link chain ; lobster clasp .

    铑镀雪人明确的水晶珠和黑色珐琅 帽子;连接链;龙虾环。

  • William put on his top hat in readiness .

    威廉戴好了他的 ,做好了准备。

  • A top hat is a rare sight these days .
