top cap


  • And the measured pile top load is proved to be related with the distribution of the axial loading and moment on the cap .

    分析了嵌岩桩基的实测桩 内力的变化及分布规律,指出水平力作用下的桩顶内力分布与 承台 上外竖向力(和弯矩)荷载的 局部分布方式有关。

  • The patented'Green Spot'directly on the code and dual Good Read LEDs on the top and back of the cap add increased visibility at any angle .

    具有专利“绿点”的直接位于条形码上, 罩盖 顶部和背面的双正常阅读LED增加了任何角度的可见性。

  • A large cylindrical container usually made of staves bound together with hoops with a flat top and bottom of equal diameter . Therefore the barrier distribution should be taken into consideration for the perforation of reservoir with bottom water and gas cap .

    桶圆柱形大容器,常由桶板及周围的铁箍组成, 平顶平底且直径等同因此,气 底水油藏油井射孔时,应考虑隔板的分布。

  • Labels on box top cap and three sides are convenient to class and manage the components .

    元件盒上 顶部及三个侧面的标签利于元器件分类存放及管理;

  • Practice of transforming the fixed cap of the 20t top blowing BOF into a movable cap

    20t氧气 顶吹转炉死炉帽改为活炉 的实践

  • Study indicates that Chang 6 locates between the K0 and K5 sediment transfer face of long-term base-level half cycles . The sand body develops . The top of the sandstone relies on the cap rock and the bottom contacts the source rock directly .

    基准面旋回分析的结果表明,长6油层组位于K0~K5两个长期基准面半旋回的沉积转换面附近, 顶部靠近区域 层,底部与源岩直接接触;

  • The label paper is true fit to the top cap of the box .

    标准 元件 标签纸,与 标准 元件盒完全吻合。

  • In addition the load distribution at the pile top is complicated which is related to the stiffness of the cap the corresponding assumptions and the analysis method .

    反力的分布规律复杂,与 承台的自身刚度、相应的假定和分析方法有关;

  • The spray outside the nozzle is circumferential non-uniform to decrease this phenomenon changing the top structure inside the nozzle with the cap structure or spiral structure is feasible .

    在喷嘴外部,喷淋在周向存在着不均匀性, 顶部加入的 结构及螺旋状结构能够减小喷淋的不均匀性。

  • If 10 per cent remains the magic number for whatever reason it does not really matter what is targeted assets liabilities or even size relative to economic output the top three US banks would probably exceed the cap .

    如果10%依然是那个神奇数字(不管原因为何),那么限制的对象就不重要了无论是资产、负债还是相对于经济产出的规模,美国三 银行大概都会超出 上限

  • Of the top 10 internet companies in the world ranked by market cap three are Chinese and the rest are from the US .

    市值最高的全球十 互联网公司中,3家来自中国,其他则来自美国。

  • Distribution Law of Vertical Force in the Top of Piles With Cylindrical Cap

    圆形 承台群桩基础桩 竖向力分配规律

  • To avoid damage to the pile top a metal band or a cap may be used .

    避免对堆 顶端、一条金属制的乐团伤害或者一 可能被用。

  • The pressurized vessel of a nuclear reactor consists of three parts : the top cap the ribbed tube-plate and the shells ( the external shell and the bottom shell ) .

    反应堆压力容器包括 顶盖、加肋管板,壳体(外壳和底部壳体)三部分。

  • The bigger the pile stiffness and the better the soil are the smaller the top settlement of the cushion cap is .

    桩身刚度越大、土质越好则 承台 顶部沉降值就越小。

  • In a pile-soil supported system which has rigid caps on the top of piles the deformations of soil elements under one pile cap are equal . As a result the interrelated elements in the stiffness matrix of soil of pile-soil supported system can be incorporated .

    当桩的 上面存在刚性桩帽时,考虑桩 下面土单元的位移相等,可以把桩土支撑体系中土的刚度矩阵中的相关元素进行叠加,从而使矩阵的阶大大减小。

  • The top 20 stocks are just over 50 per cent of the market cap by weighting .

    20只股票的权重仅占总 市值的逾50%。

  • The internal pile top forces of pile cap system under torsional load are analyzed through the computation of elastic and absolute rigid pile cap system and the model test .

    通过刚性桩承台体系和弹性桩承台体系的受力计算以及桩基础的模型试验,研究了桩 承台体系在扭矩作用下的桩 内力分布。

  • Remove the porcelain top by sliding it toward and lifting it off the cabinet . I made a skull cap from two cylinder crossing .

    将橱柜的珐琅搪瓷 顶盖往前拉,把橱柜顶盖拆卸下来。接着在把柱子 顶端的弧形 顶盖给做出来。

  • Install the new diaphragm in alignment pins with the « top » indication facing up and replace the cap in the alignment pins .

    安装一个新阀膜在限 区内,针角孔面要对齐, 贴面要平整。