top dead center


  • The Bore is the diameter of the cylinder . The stroke is the distance the piston travels from BDC ( Bottom dead center ) to TDC ( top dead center ) . The Bore is always mentioned first .

    这个活塞上下活动,没有响声。内径指的是气缸的直径;行程是活塞从下 点运行到上止点的距离。表述时,内径总是写在前面。

  • The top dead center ( TDC ) phase has a great effect on the result in the combustion analysis of internal combustion engines so it is very important to obtain the dynamic TDC phase correctly .

    在进行内燃机燃烧分析时,上 点相位对分析结果影响很大,正确确定内燃机动态上止点相位显得非常重要。

  • The maximum friction power loss occurs near the top dead center of compression .

    最大摩擦功耗出现在压缩 附近。

  • It is very important to identify the engine dynamic top dead center phase in the combusting analysis of IC engine .

    在进行发动机燃烧分析时,正确确定发动机动态 相位非常重要。

  • Two TDC ( Top Dead Center ) sensors are mounted at the rear of the single camshaft .

    两个 死点的传感器安装在凸轮轴的后面。

  • When the piston reaches the top dead center the temperature of oil film decreases from the top part of piston skirt to the bottom part of piston skirt .

    活塞在 时,油膜温度从活塞裙上端到下端基本呈递减趋势;

  • The trailing edge of the fourth notch which causes the pulse is four degrees before top dead center ( TDC ) of the corresponding piston .

    产生的脉冲的第四凹槽的后缘,位于相应的活塞在前 死点(TDC)4度的位置的位置上。

  • 50 % of fuel burns out while the crank angle is situated between 3 °~ 6 ° after top dead center and the combustion duration is within 28 °~ 37 ° . The combustion rate for methanol operation is higher than that for ethanol or gasoline operations .

    具有非常快的燃烧速率, 后曲轴转角为3°~6°时就可燃烧完50%的燃料,燃烧持续期在28°~37°曲轴转角范围内;

  • When this indentation is aligned with a special hole provided in the bell housing the piston is at top dead center ( TDC ) or indicates the start of fuel injection into the first cylinder .

    当该 凹口与屏蔽套里的特别设计的口排成一线时,活塞就位于 上端 点或者说明燃油喷射在第一个气缸内开始进行。

  • Being practically naked there is a certain inhibition and vulnerability . before top dead center

    在完全赤裸后,就有了某种禁止和弱点了。在 死点前在上

  • Following determination of piston Top Dead Center there should be no alterations to the crankshaft angle gauge .

    在确定活塞 时,曲轴角度测量仪读数不应该有任何改变。

  • It is necessary to use three position signals when reflect the position of Four Stroke Gasoline Engine 's piston in cylinder : Top Dead Center Signal Compression Stroke Signal Crankshaft Position Signal .

    反映四冲程汽油机的活塞在气缸中的位置时,要用到三个位置信号: 信号、压缩行程信号、曲轴转角信号。

  • Results show that turbulence intensity near the top dead center of the compression stroke under the inlet pressure at highland is obviously lower than that at sea-level .

    结果表明,在模拟高原进气压力时,压缩 附近燃烧室内的湍流强度比在平原进气压力时明显下降。

  • TRENDS Algorithm Design on Computing Dynamic Top Dead Center with Compressing Line Method


  • According to the simulation calculation results of piston slapping we can see that the radical acceleration and tilting angular acceleration of the piston near the top dead center in the combustion stroke are most so the piston slapping is the most serious .

    根据活塞敲击运动仿真计算结果发现活塞在燃烧 附近的径向加速度以及绕销轴的摆动加速度最大,从而导致活塞对缸套的敲击也最大。

  • For a CNG engine the cylinder pressure signal gear pulse signal and top dead center pulse signal were simultaneously collected .

    对某天然气发动机缸内压力信号、齿盘脉冲信号和 脉冲信号进行同步采样。

  • Algorithm Design on Computing Dynamic Top Dead Center with Compressing Line Method Then the perfusion was calculated .

    压缩线法求动态 根据TDC计算病灶的血流灌注量(PF)。

  • The results of calculating and experimenting show that the first and largest slap of impact between the piston and the liner occurs around the top dead center from the nonthrust to the thrust face .

    经计算和实验表明:活塞在上 点附近,当活塞由非推力面快速地移向推力面时,对缸套具有较大的冲击能量。