tooth and nail

[tuθ ənd nel][tu:θ ænd neil]


  • There is another election coming on next fall and he knows we are going to fight tooth and nail .

    明年秋天另一次大选就要来到了,他知道我们要为此 全力以赴

  • I would fight tooth and nail to get out of going on all of her other errands .

    我要斗争 牙齿 指甲走出去对她的所有其他跑腿。

  • In Matou Town Xilian and his troops fought them tooth and nail at the cost of hundreds of casualties .


  • I will fight you tooth and nail if you put that suggestion to the management .

    如果你向管理部门提那么个建议的话 我将 坚决反对。

  • To this day she still fights tooth and nail against any hint of order or common sense and just wants to shake things up !

    直到今天,她仍然在为反对任何秩序或常识而战,就是为了把世界 个个儿。

  • After the9th round the drivers from all over the world got ready to fight tooth and nail today showing an amazing feast of speed to us .

    经过昨天第九回合激烈的争夺,今天车手们使出 浑身解数 为我们带来了一场极速的盛宴。

  • I fought the language tooth and nail as I tried to cram it into the procedural paradigms that I knew rather than work within Lisp 's functional structure .

    因为我 拼命地想把Lisp编入到熟悉的过程化范例中,而不是在Lisp的函数结构下工作。

  • Unions pledged to fight any compulsory redundancies ' tooth and nail ' .

    工会许诺会“ 竭尽所能地”阻止任何强制裁员。

  • He fought tooth and nail to keep his job


  • Is Walter Hewlett who fought tooth and nail with Fiorina having the last laugh ?

    沃尔特•休利特曾经 菲奥莉娜斗得你死我活 如今他似乎笑到了最后。事实果真如此吗?

  • When the girl was captured she fought tooth and nail like a wild cat to get away .

    那少女被抓住后像野猫一样拼命 厮打以求脱身。

  • Chinese people fought tooth and nail with fellow Chinese during the civil wars .

    中国人在内战中 与自己同胞猛烈 搏斗

  • I 'll fight you tooth and nail .

    誓死 你抗争到底。

  • We fought tooth and nail to get the route of the new road changed .

    为了更改这条新公路的路线,我们 竭尽了全力。

  • In order to get our plans accepted we must fought tooth and nail to prepare well everything that should be done before .

    为使我们的计划被采纳,我们必须 竭尽全力的把所有的前期工作准备好。

  • They will fight tooth and nail for the right to vote .

    他们将 竭尽全力为争取选举权 斗争。

  • Ministers have been fighting tooth and nail over this issue .

    部长们在这个问题上吵得 不可开交

  • They fought tooth and nail .

    他们 激烈 了起来。

  • The whole profession fight tooth and nail against it .

    同行的全体人员都 极力反对。

  • Margaret following Sir Edward Boyle in the shadow ministry made it clear that the Tories would fight short 's bill tooth and nail .

    玛格丽特在接替了影子内阁爱德华?博伊尔爵士的职务后,明确表示,保守党将 竭尽全力反对 尚特的议案。

  • Euro-federalists will fight tooth and nail to prevent a disintegration of the eurozone .

    欧洲联邦制 拥护者将 全力阻止欧元区瓦解。

  • We fought tooth and nail to keep our share of the business .

    我们为了公司股份 奋起抗争。

  • But before they reach that point of open and avowed defeat they will fight tooth and nail to maintain the standard of excellence to which they have become accustomed .

    但是在到达他们公开自认失败的临界点前,他们会尽量咬 咬牙维持他们所适应的令人兴奋的生活。

  • People who have been in politics for years including staff and groups fight tooth and nail to keep the status quo .

    曾经从政许多年的人们,包括雇员们和各种集团都会 竭尽全力地维护现状。

  • The two women went at each other tooth and nail .

    那两个妇女 声嘶力竭地攻击对方。

  • Would the Europeans for example not fight tooth and nail against a weakening dollar ?

    以欧洲为例,它会不会竭力抵制美元 走软

  • The people of that country fought tooth and nail to protect their common homeland .

    “这个国家的人民 竭尽全力保护他们共同的家园”怎么说呢?

  • That woman fought tooth and nail during the war to protect her children .

    那位妇女在战争中 竭尽全力保护她的孩子们。

  • Instead of fighting tooth and nail all conflicts should be resolved peacefully .

    所有争执应该和平解决,不可猛烈 争斗