tool order

[tul ˈɔrdɚ][tu:l ˈɔ:də]

[经] 工具订单

  • Lunar rover is an imperative exploration tool and meanings in order to accomplish the task of lunar face exploration .

    完成月球表面的探测任务,月球探测车是不可缺少的探测 工具和手段。

  • The use of a tool to improve order lead time pass rate improve the entire supply chain his contribution to customer satisfaction and sales performance to be reflected .

    这一个 工具的运用是对 订单交付周期合格率的改善,也是对整个供应链的改善,他的贡献能在客户满意度和销售业绩中得到反映。

  • A key problem of computer numerical control machine tool switching is to determine the jobs ' sequence and tool loading policy in order to minimize the total number of tool switches in the planning periodic horizon .

    刀具交换问题是指在一台CNC机床上加工N个作业时,在优化作业加工次序和 刀具装载策略的过程中, 使CNC机床的换刀次数最少。

  • Pneumatic system controls raising and lowering of slitting and scoring tool and order can be easily changed during the machine running without stopping it .

    轮座与上压线轮座升降 气压方式控制,故在更换 订单时不必切断纸板及停机。

  • The paper studied under the situation that the petroleum system reform and the HuaBei petroleum administration bureau management pattern transformed the logistics company of the HuaBei petroleum administration bureau must use the tool in order to carry out strategy .

    论文研究了石油系统改革、华北石油管理局管理模式变革的情况下,华北石油管理局物流公司 实现战略转型的方法和 手段

  • Copying : Exchanging a service model between a service modeling tool and a process modeling tool in order to leverage that service model for process orchestration .

    复制:在服务建模工具和流程建模 工具之间交换服务模型,是 为了充分利用服务模型进行流程编排。

  • The consumer price index is a good reference tool to use in order to learn how much the price of a specific item has changed over the last several years .

    了解某一特定商品在过去几年内的价格变化情况,消费品价格指数是一个很好的 工具

  • We use programming implement to establish the unified platform on the performance testing tool in order to realize the brand-new testing design on the network-based intrusion detection system performance and provide the platform for the next-generation performance expansion testing as well .

    并使用开发语言建立统一的性能测试 工具平台, 实现本文对网络型入侵检测产品性能的全新的检测设计,也为今后性能扩展测试提供平台。

  • A Shop-Made tool is required in order to pull off the cap .

    拔出盖时需要 使用一个自制 工具

  • Research and Development on Cutting Tool Order Automatic Generation System

    刀具 订单自动生成系统的研发

  • This paper analyses the structural characteristics of the straight motor used in feed system of machine tool . In order to cut details with non-circular cross-section the driving parts with straight motor used in feed system of the numerical control machine tools has been designed .

    分析了直线电动机用于 机床进给系统的结构特点, 针对非圆截面加工的特殊要求,设计了用于数控机床进给系统的直线电动机驱动部件。

  • Regional Port State Control ( PSC ) system has been recognized by the whole world as a most effective tool in order to eliminate the operation of sub-standard ships ensure maritime safety protect maritime environment and ameliorate seamen 's living and working condition .

    消除低标准船、加强海上安全、保护海洋环境及改善船员生活与工作条件,区域性港口国监督制度已经成为一项成效显著的 利器并得到全球共识。

  • According to the status and problems of signal and system course instruction we introduce circuit analysis software PSPICE as an aiding tool in order to improve teaching method and make teaching quality better .

    针对信号与系统课程教学现状和存在的问题,提出利用电路分析软件PSPICE作为辅助教学 工具 改进教学手段,提高教学质量。

  • In this article the designing formulas of this turning tool are derived in order to make up a deficiency .

    本文推导了这种 车刀的设计计算公式, 补不足。

  • Deeply researches the economic nature and goals of governmental accounting reforms at the micro-level which breaks through the limitations of researching the problems of governmental accounting reforms only from adopting a new technical tool in order to improve governmental sectors ' performance . 4 .

    在微观层面上深入研究了政府会计改革的经济本质和目标,超越了单从引入新型技术 工具提高政府绩效角度研究政府会计改革问题的限制。

  • The real estate industry entails not only high profit but also high risk . Therefore the insurance fund needs to find suitable investment tool in order to involve in real estate industry .

    房地产蕴藏着高收益,但是同时也潜伏着巨大的风险,这样保险资金 介入就需要寻找合适的投资 工具

  • With the rapid development of NC technique and computer graphical technology and the extensive application of computer NC simulation technology provide an effective tool in order to validate the NC machining program and forecast the machine process .

    随着数控技术在近几十年内蓬勃发展和计算机的广泛应用以及计算机图形技术迅猛的发展,数控仿真技术 为了验证数控程序的可靠性及预测加工过程提供了强有力的 工具

  • Constitutional systems must be used to design the corresponding mea - sures as a tool in order to oppose privilege .

    宪法制度必须以反对特权为 目的来设计相应的 手段性措施。

  • SET UP : Typically the process of changing the tooling on a production machine tool in order to produce a different bearing component part number .

    设置:改变或更换生产设备上的工装 模具 生产不同型号轴承零件的过程。

  • The forth part is the detailed analysis of the company . The main content is to analyze several specific capital operations using element capital theory as the main tool in order to summarize the three-layer value creation mode of Tongfang .

    第四章是案例的详细分析部分,主要内容为以要素资本理论为主要 工具,解析案例企业的几次具体资本运营操作, 以此来总结同方股份的三层价值创造模式。

  • Then the analysis focus on the marketing strategy of paper media and network media by the analyzing tool named SWOT Analysis in order to find out the advantages and disadvantages of newspaper media and potential threats and opportunities with respect to network media .

    研究分别对报纸媒体和网络媒体的营销策略进行分析,尤其是通过对报纸媒体进行 SWOT分析 找出报纸媒体相对网络媒体的优劣势和潜在的威胁与机会。

  • The worm gears are manufactured in a numerical control tool in order to guarantee the accuracy of tooth positions .

    为了保证分齿精度,蜗轮在数控 铣床上加工。

  • It offers four simple and fast methods about checking the electric fault of the machine tool from the practice in order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the checking .

    从工作实际经验 出发,提出了 机床电气故障检查的四种简单快速方法, 提高机床电气故障检查的效率和准确性。

  • Then next time players fling their tool forward in the order of the bricks they knocked down King will be the first one to throw his tool and the loser will be the last one .

    第二次开始时就每个人站在各自曾击倒的砖前 由“王”开始扔出手中的 石块或砖头,受罚者最后。

  • A Web management tool is established in order to enable DBA to use client computer to manage SQL Server without installing SQL Server client in client computer .

    为了数据库管理员(DBA)可以使用客户端计算机管理SqlServer,并且不在客户端计算机上安装SqlServer客户端,建立一种基于Web的管理 工具

  • At present most of the numerical control system use linear interpolation and circular interpolation . The processing paths are divided into segments of small lines and arcs and feedback system controls the trajectory of cutting tool in order to approach the design shapes and sizes .

    目前国内的数控系统大多采用直线和圆弧两种插补方式,在加工过程中将加工路径划分成微小的直线段和圆弧段,利用反馈系统控制 刀具运动 使其运动轨迹逼近设计形状和尺寸。

  • Rationally choose geometry parameter and cutting data of PCBN tool in order to raise processed quality .

    合理地选择PCBN 刀具的几何参数和切削用量, 提高加工质量。

  • According to the ductile-mode machining principle of hard-brittle material and error compensation turning method the ductile-mode turning method of aspheric surface of infrared lens is mainly discussed which is concerning arc diamond tool and straight diamond tool in order to directly obtain mirror cutting surface .

    根据硬脆性材料的延性域加工机理和面形误差补偿加工方法,研究了圆弧形和平头形 刀具的单点金刚石延性域切削方法,在加工中直接 获得了镜面切除面;