tooth surface

[tuθ ˈsɚfəs][tu:θ ˈsə:fis]


  • Accurate checking of contact strength of tooth surface and calculating method of design for helical gear drive

    螺旋齿轮传动精确的 齿 接触强度校核与设计计算方法

  • Research on Influence of Machining Parameters of Generating Method on Tooth Surface of Spiral Bevel Gear

    展成法加工参数对弧齿锥齿轮 齿 面的影响研究加工直伞齿轮的机床 双曲 齿轮加工机床

  • By proper selection of the spiral bevel gear modification coefficients the load bearing capacity can be raised and the structures of the tooth surface can be improved .

    通过变位系数的选择,改善了 齿 结构,提高了弧齿锥齿轮的承载能力;

  • Quantitative Analysis on Integrated Effect of Gear Mounting Errors to Point-contact Tooth Surface Meshing Characteristics


  • Theoretical Tooth Surface Deduction and Simulation of Orion Hypoid Gears

    奥利康准双曲面齿轮的理论 齿 推导及仿真

  • Optimizing Design of the Planetary Helical Gear Based on Minimum Flash Temperature of Tooth Surface

    基于 齿 闪温最低的行星斜齿轮优化设计

  • On the base of principle of involute gear and its property the formation of tooth surface are introduced .

    根据渐开线齿轮的原理和渐开线的基本性质,介绍渐开线齿轮 齿 的形成。

  • Due to the above mentioned defects early fatigue peeling occurs under the condition of overly contact stress at the top of the tooth caused by abnormal contact at the tooth surface .

    因此,在 齿 非正常接触导致齿顶接触应力过大的情况下,该齿轮发生了早期疲劳剥落。

  • The concave and convex of face gear tooth surface benefits gear strength and the grinding process can be conducted on the general wheel and numerical control machine .

    齿轮副的凹凸 齿 有利于提高齿轮副强度,用现有砂轮和数控机床可实现面齿轮加工。

  • Differing from previous studies the new method was derived from the idea of motion of moving trihedron along a predesigned path of contact on the predesigned ( theoretical ) tooth surface .

    与以往的 齿面加工方法不同,在新的 齿面展成方法中, 齿 展成运动是在沿预定接触迹线的 曲面活动标架下设计的。

  • Research on meshing characteristics-based design of point-contact tooth surface

    基于预定啮合特性的点啮合 齿 设计方法

  • Tooth surface ; Function-oriented design ; Advanced manufacturing technology ;

    齿 ;主动设计;先进制造技术;

  • The deviation between actual measured pitch value between any adjacent tooth surface and theoretical circular pitch .

    实测任何相邻的两个 齿间的径节值与理论径节值的偏差。

  • Such machines provide continuous indexing and generate the gear tooth surface as the envelope to the family of tool surfaces .

    这类机器提供连续的分度并且能 制以前用一系列刀具才能完成的 轮齿 齿

  • According to requirements of the tooth surface machining machine center structure and CNC system were selected . 3 .

    根据 齿 加工的要求进行加工中心结构和数控系统的选型。

  • Start from the outer surface of the last lower molar that is the tooth surface near the cheek .

    从下面 牙齿最后一颗臼齿的外侧面开始 ,也就是最靠近面颊的那一

  • According to point coordinates on the tooth surface calculated theoretically and using FORTRAN this paper compiles the programs and builds3D finite element model of the helical gear .

    运用FORTRAN语言,并根据理论计算得到 齿 面点坐标,编制程序,建立斜齿轮三维有限元分析模型。

  • High-density scouring whitening particles to help break down quickly after the stains from the tooth surface ;

    高密度去渍美白微粒,帮助分解后的污渍迅速脱离 牙齿 表面

  • The principle for the selection of technology parameter and the main points for processing the tooth surface by scraping with the carbide hob were stated .

    介绍了中硬齿 齿轮的刮削工艺,叙述了用硬质合金滚刀对 齿 进行刮削加工的工艺参数选择原则及刮削要点。

  • An Numerical Analysis of Gear Tooth Surface Lubrication & Contact Problem of Marine Gearbox

    船用齿轮 齿 润滑与接触问题数值分析

  • Finite Element Numerical Simulation in Stress Field of Tooth Surface with Laser Cladding

    激光熔覆 齿轮 齿 面的应力场有限元模拟

  • Evaluating Method of the Measuring Gear Tooth Surface Roughness

    齿轮 轮齿 表面粗糙度的评定分析与质量控制

  • Using the data of grids the measurement process is completed automatically the deviations of the real tooth surface from the theoretical one are obtained .

    由测量点数据,测量程序控制测针自动进行测量,从而测得真实 齿 面的 结构参数。

  • The tooth surface of the cylindrical worm with concave tooth surface is generated by grinding wheel surface according to the enveloping principle .

    利用蜗杆传动的 齿 啮合原理和弹性流体动力润滑理论,给出了利用计算机精确计算凹面齿圆柱蜗杆传动承载能力的计算方法。

  • Research on the New Precision Worm Drive Principle and Worm Tooth Surface Cutting Method

    新型精密蜗杆传动原理与蜗杆 齿 切削方法的研究

  • Quantitative analysis of sensitivity of point-contact tooth surface meshing characteristics to gears mounting errors

    点啮合 齿 安装误差敏感性的定量评价方法

  • The correct method in paper can effectively reduce the tooth surface error by calculating simulating and experimental verification .

    通过计算仿真和实验验证了该方法实施反调修正可以有效地降低 齿 误差。

  • This product is extracted from the aloe plant essence fragrance aroma taste unique and the election Abrasive formula with high-grade silicon reduction of tooth surface wear .

    本产品从芦荟中提取植物精华素,馥郁芳香,口感独特,并选用高档硅磨料配方,减少 牙齿 表面磨损。

  • Minimum Tooth Number for Non-undercutting and Noncontact Area on Tooth Surface of A Worm Gear in Archimedes Worm Drive

    正齿轮和斜齿轮滚齿机阿基米德蜗杆传动蜗轮无根切最少齿数和 齿 非接触区

  • The top grade silica abrasive gently remove tooth surface dirt and tooth enamel surface doesn 't hurt often use strong teeth healthy mouth .

    采用高档二氧化硅磨料,轻柔去除 表面污垢的同时不伤害牙表面珐琅质,经常使用,强健牙齿,健康口腔。