
  • No one knows for sure why Deinocheirus had hands like this – some say they were probably too dull to use for killing * he may have just used them to climb trees .

    没人知道为什么恐手龙的手长成那样。有些人说恐手龙的手可能 太迟钝了,都不能用于猎杀 只能 用来爬树。

  • Your chart shows others believe you are getting too comfortable with the status-quo * Expect others to try to personally challenge you * ( especially in the workplace )

    你的 命盘上显示你会对现状没有任何 适(除非有人 向你挑衅,尤其是工作上的人)。

  • I 'll bet it 's good exercise too * a good way to keep fit .

    我敢说,这 也是很好的锻炼, 健康。

  • In the day too at those hours when I used to see you my feet carry me spontaneously * to your apartment from whence I constantly return much out of humour and dejected .

    白天 也是,在我过去常去看你的时间,我的脚会 不由自主 走进你的房间,然后往往带着沮丧和受挫的心情走出来。

  • They are too heavy * I have to lighten the load .

    东西 沉了 减轻负重。

  • Is any thing too hard for the lord ? At the time appointed I wi * return unto thee according to the time of life and Sarah sha * have a son .

    耶和华 有难成的事吗。到了日期,明年这时候,我必回到你这里, 撒拉 生一个儿子。

  • Imagine having too much of that wax coating in your stomach * omg I Don 't Want To Take Too Much Of That * as it may cause cancer if it stuck in our stomach for a long period .

    想象一下,有 很多的蜡涂层在你的胃里面天 ,我不 想吃太多那玩意儿因为它可能会导致癌症,如果它长时间停留在我们的胃里面。