



  • Because of this notion in the implementation process of tonsure command different people and different regional had different psychological characteristics .

    基于这种结症,在 发令推行过程中,不同的人群,不同的地域 体现出了不同的心理特征。

  • All undergo the same tonsure wear the same frock eat the same black bread sleep on the same straw die on the same ashes .

    大家都剃同样的 发式,穿同样的僧衣,吃同样的黑面包,睡在同样的麦秸上,死在同样的柴灰上。

  • Chen Xiaoxu was reported to still be at Baiguoxinglong Temple the Buddhist monastery where she received the tonsure ceremony .

    据报道,陈晓旭仍然呆在为她举行 剃度仪式的百国兴隆寺内。

  • Before long she saw through the emptiness of the material world and took tonsure .

    没过多久,她 看破红尘削发 了。

  • The ferule is used for conversion tonsure ordination and parlance .

    戒尺用于皈依、 剃度传戒、说法 场合

  • Former Chinese actress and business celebrity Chen Xiaoxu has taken the tonsure at a Buddhist temple in Changchun capital of Jilin province in northeast China her husband told a newspaper Sunday .

    周日,陈晓旭的丈夫向某报社 透露,中国前著名演员和商界名流陈晓旭,已在中国东北吉林省长春的一个佛教寺庙 落发