touch switch

[tʌtʃ swɪtʃ][tʌtʃ switʃ]


  • In this paper we discuss how it works about touch switch to analyse and compare some typical touch switch circuits to give a detector circuit on two-point'touch-electronic lock .

    本文讨论了 触摸 开关的工作原理,分析比较了几种典型的触摸开关单元电路,给出双点触摸式电子锁探头设计的一个方案。

  • Don 't touch the light switch by wet hand .

    不要用湿手 触摸电灯 开关

  • No matter who come here tell him never to touch the switch .

    不管谁到这里来,告诉他不要 开关

  • Can we touch the electric switch when our hands are wet ?

    当我们手湿的时候能 开关吗?

  • To interrupt the swivel action of the ball hitch in the event of danger touch the rocker switch again .

    要在危险情况下中断挂接球的旋转动作,请再次 触碰摇杆 开关

  • Before each start the touch screen emergency switch control cabinet emergency switch and the fault alarm system shall be checked to ensure their normal functioning .

    每次开机前应检查 触摸屏急停 开关,电控柜急停开关,故障报警系统是否正常。

  • The touch screen helps save some traditional button switch and keyboard operations so the new panel becomes more easy and convenient to operate .

    同时, 触摸屏的采用,省去了传统的按钮、 开关及键盘操作模式,使操作更加方便简洁、自然。

  • Remember : never make a phone call or touch any electric switch in the house because a spark might cause an explosion .

    记住:千万别打电话或 接触任何电器 开关!因为一丁点儿火花就可能会引起爆炸。

  • Using the touch screen allows control of the machine is no longer the same as before so many buttons so many of wiring integrated touch screen will be unified in a variety of switch interface the operation is convenient and good human-computer interaction effects .

    触摸屏的使用使得控制不再像以前的机床一样那么多的按钮,那么多的接线, 触摸屏将各种 开关 统一集成在一个界面里,操作起来既方便又有良好的人机交互效果。

  • Touch the switch preparation after topping up air measuring cylinder and buret adjust the button Sulfur to the zero to the 0.000 the last number could not be0 .

    一下准备,待量气筒、滴定管液面加满调“硫调零”,显示“ 0.000”最后一位千分位可以不为0。

  • The metal contact cannot touch the down electrode when the switch is applied DC voltage due to the residual stress in the thin film so the signal cannot transmit .

    本文制作出的 开关由于悬梁中存在残余应力, 开关在加直流电压后触点不能下降 的高度与下电极 接触,尚未实现 开关的导

  • For Windows 8 Parallels Access places both traditional programs and the Start-screen touch apps together in the Launcher so you don 't have to switch modes .

    针对Windows8系统,ParallelsAccess将传统程序和开始屏幕上的 触控程序一同安排在主界面上,这样一来你就不必 切换模式。

  • The attribute of semiconductor is using the thyristor VT 3 as a non touch switch outputting circuit .

    电路的特点是采用晶闸管VT3作为无 触点 开关输出电路。VT3触发电压不是用单结晶体管产生,而是用电容器C4的充放电来产生。

  • Temperature control system based on no touch switch has realized PID control .

    温度控制采用无 触点 开关控制,并实现了PID调节。

  • We touch a switch to flood a room with light .

    我们 打开 电灯 开关使室内灯光明亮。

  • The products contain rectangle type dome round type dome and hardware terminal of touch switch mobile phone computer and crystal linker .

    轻触 开关、手机、电脑、晶振等连接器精密五金冲压件。

  • Touch screen to manipulate the embedded terminal equipment touch screen user can click on buttons on touch screen control peripheral air conditioning switch electric curtains switch and light switch .

    采用触摸屏进行操控,通过嵌入式终端设备的触摸屏,用户可以通过点击 触摸屏上的按键控制外围空调 开关、电动窗帘开关以及电灯开关。

  • No matter what you do don 't touch this switch .

    无论你做什么,也都不要 这个 开关

  • A teaching demonstration circuit board consists of a receiver a battery holder a steering engine a touch switch a transmitter a steering box and light emitting diodes .

    一种教学用演示电路板,由接收机、电池盒、舵机、 触碰 开关、发射机、舵盒、发光二极管组成。