trade marks

[经] 商标,商标专用权

  • Every mark must satisfy the requirements of the Trade Marks Ordinance before it may be accepted for registration in HKSAR .

    任何商标均须符合《 商标条例》的规定,才可在香港特区注册。

  • Only the Registered trade marks are legally protected according to the traditional theory of brand protection and current legislation of trade marks .

    根据我国传统的商标保护理论和现行商标立法,只有注册 商标才受到法律的全面保护。

  • And no advertisements or trade marks shall include discriminatory contents against any ethnic group or religion .

    广告、 商标不得含有对民族、宗教歧视性内容。

  • Patents and trade marks shall be assessed by a group of experts and confirmed by the Chinese side .

    专利和 商标应由专家小组估价并经中方确认。

  • The Intellectual Property Department operates the Trade Marks Patents and Designs Registries .

    知识产权署负责 商标注册处、专利注册处和外观设计注册处的运作。

  • The art form is reflected on trade marks advertisement interior decoration fashion design book binding stamp design and cartoon books .

    产品包装设计、 商标广告、室内装潢、服装设计、书籍装帧、邮票设计、连环画等处都有它的影子。

  • The intellectual property department has started the development of a new computer system through an outsourced service provider to facilitate the implementation of the new trade marks ordinance which is scheduled to come into force in2002 .

    知识产权署已通过外判服务供应商,着手发展新的电脑系统,以便推行预定于二零零二年生效的新《 商标条例》。

  • Article 20 Applications must be made for the registration of trade marks of cigarettes cigars and packed cut tobacco which shall not be manufactured and marketed before the trade mark is registered upon approval .

    第二十条卷烟、雪茄烟和有包装的烟丝必须申请 商标注册,未经核准注册的,不得生产、销售。

  • Ltd is the sub company of CAA and it has all rights to sale Larocca brand wines in China and the permission to use Larocca 's trade marks .

    广州中博美佳酒业有限公司是香港中博鉴证科技投资集团公司属下子公司,拥有拉洛卡酒庄在中国大陆的独家代理权以及所有拉洛卡 商标标识的使用权。

  • We are prepared to accept orders for goods with customers own trade marks or brand names .

    我们可以按照客户所指定的商品的 商标和牌号接受订单。

  • Trade marks and registered designs .

    商标、注册图样这些 事情

  • Criminal law analysis on ill-usage of trade marks

    “滥用 商标行为”的刑法学分析

  • Intellectual property law is the legal right that relates to intangible property such as copyright registered designs trade marks and patents .

    知识产权法是有关无形财产如版权:注册的外观设计、 商标、专利的法律权利的法律。

  • The production and sale of tobacco products with counterfeit trade marks shall be forbidden .

    禁止生产、销售假冒他人注册 商标的烟草制品。

  • The domain name dispute mainly arises from the conflict of the registry and the use of domain name with the trade marks .

    域名争议主要因域名的注册和使用与受知识产权法律制度保护的传统 商业 标志之间的冲突而产生。

  • The Trade Marks Registry is responsible for the registration of trade marks in respect of goods and services .


  • Examples of designs that have been registered as Australian trade marks include a distinctively shaped chocolate bar and the famous Coca-Cola bottle .

    将形状注册为澳大利亚 商标的先例包括形状独特的巧克力棒和著名的可口可乐瓶。

  • The procedure in applying for registration is laid down in the Trade Marks Rules .

    申请注册的程序载于《 商标规则》内。

  • A rewarding Business venture . trade marks and registered designs .

    有利可图的商业冒险 商标、注册图样这些事情。

  • Article 36 Where an enterprise or individual produces or sells cigarettes cigars or packed cut tobacco without registered trade marks the administrative department for industry and commerce shall order it or him / her to stop the production and sales thereof and shall concurrently impose a fine .

    第三十六条生产、销售没有注册 商标的卷烟、雪茄烟、有包装的烟丝的,由工商行政管理部门责令停止生产、销售、并处罚款。

  • Statement of mercantile financial operation trade marks and registered designs .

    商业财务经营情况表 商标、注册图样这些事情。

  • This paper briefly introduces the healthy and perfect intellectual property right protection system in australia which includes the protection of the traditional knowledge the technical identification of the intellectual property right the protection of the famous brands and the polling system of the trade marks .

    简要介绍了澳大利亚健全、完善的知识产权保护系统,包括对传统知识的保护、知识产权技术鉴定、对驰名商标的保护以及 商标查询系统。

  • We 're here to discuss the trade marks of your products .

    我们来谈谈贵产品的 牌号一事。

  • Patents trade marks and similar intangibles

    专利、 商标和类似的无形资产

  • The licence agreement may also include further restrictions or conditions i.e.territory of exhaustion limitation of production quantities compulsory use of trade marks or labels etc.

    授权合约也可以纳入以下的限制或者条件:消耗的地区、生产数量的限制、 商标或其他标志的强制使用等。

  • The company is now successfully registered the Klein trade marks designs and production of the Klein brand British and American billiard tables and billiard accessories equipment .

    公司现已成功注册了“克莱恩” 商标,设计生产了“克莱恩”牌英式和美式桌球台及台球配件、设备。

  • Where an operator violates the provision in Article Six of the Regulations by forging the trademark of any other party The Trade Marks Registry is a registry of original registration in respect of both goods and services .

    经营者违反本条例第六条规定假冒他人注册商标的, 商标注册处负责商品和服务商标的注册事宜。

  • They found all the machines carried the trade marks of factories in China .

    他们发现所有机器 都有中国工厂的 商标

  • Wellknown marks have important significance for our country to implement the strategy of famous trade marks .

    驰名 商标对于我国实施名牌战略具有重要意义。