trade licence

[treid ˈlaɪsəns][treid ˈlaisəns]

[法] 试车牌照

  • It also entertains requests from the Trade Department for technical advice regarding applications for import / export licence of strategic commodities .

    化验所亦应 贸易署的要求,在处理战略物品进出口 许可 的申请事项上提供专业咨询服务。

  • The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect which launched in November has been hailed as a landmark opening of domestic Chinese markets enabling international investors to trade onshore equities without a special licence for the first time .

    去年11月开通的沪港通,被誉为开放中国内地股市的里程碑式举动,使得国际投资者首次无需特殊 牌照就能够 交易中国内地股票。

  • What avail is it to discuss all these trade terms when the prospects of obtaining export licence are gloomy ?

    当获取许可 前景黯淡,这时讨论这些 交易条件又有什么用呢?