trading floor


  • When rumor hit the commodities trading floor in Chicago three years ago that Kansas cattle had contracted foot-and-mouth disease prices plummeted .

    当三年前有关堪萨斯牛只感染口蹄疫的谣言传入芝加哥的商品 交易所时,牛只价格一泻千里。

  • It may look like an old-fashioned stock exchange complete with trading floor and opening bell but the company behind the New York Stock Exchange is increasingly about derivatives .

    或许纽约证券交易所(nyse)看上去像是一家老式的交易所,包括它的 交易 大厅和开盘钟声,但其背后的那家公司,却越来越专注于衍生品。

  • Yet when the price of China Life shares almost doubled in the first minutes of trading in Shanghai yesterday the news was greeted with cheers from investors and company executives thronging the trading floor .

    然而,当中国人寿(chinalife)在1月9日登陆上海证交所,并在开盘后一分钟便上涨近1倍时,挤在 交易 大厅的投资者和企业高管齐声为这条消息欢呼。

  • THE trading floor at Saigon Securities in Ho Chi Minh City is buzzing 1 w_2481 on Monday morning as shares edge towards another record closing high .

    周一上午,胡志明市西贡证券公司的 交易 大厅 人声鼎沸,其时股票收盘价几近再创历史新高。

  • Commodity traders generally members of the exchange on the trading floor who take positions in commodities and then offset them prior to the close of trading on the same trading day .

    指在同一交易日内建立交易部位并在当日交易结束前对冲平仓的期货交易者,是 交易所 交易 内的普通会员。

  • In 1984 Colombo Brokers association established a public trading floor and commenced trading on open outcry system .

    1984年,科伦坡经纪人协会建立了公共 交易 大厅,并通过公开喊价系统进行交易。

  • On the face of it these two questions have little in common ; after all Afghanistan is a world away from a Wall Street trading floor both in geography and pay .

    表面上看,这两个问题似乎毫不相干;毕竟,无论是地理位置还是薪酬水平,阿富汗都是远离华尔街 交易 大厅的另一个世界。

  • An order to buy or sell a futures contract at whatever price is obtainable when the order reaches the trading floor .

    一旦该指令被发出,就意味着以最快的速度和尽可能好的价格 买进或者卖出某一期货或期权合约。

  • As more firms place their equipment in the same location as exchanges it becomes a virtual marketplace that mimics an open outcry trading floor but in which trading is automated .

    随着越来越多的公司把自己的设备移到交易所所在地,一个虚拟市场由此形成。该市场很像一个公开喊价的 交易 大厅,只不过里面的交易是自动完成的。

  • The one competitive advantage though the NYSE still has is the actual trading floor .

    但纽约证交所的竞争优势之一就是,它还拥有实际的 交易 大厅

  • In July the number of people on our trading floor was thin said Cai Haoning manager of a branch of China Merchants Securities in Shanghai . But in the last 10 days the heat has been back on again .

    “7月份时,我们 交易大厅里的人还很少,”中国招商证券(chinamerchantssecurities)某营业部经理 蔡浩宁(音译)表示:“但是过去10天里,又热了。”

  • It started electronic trading in 2008 but maintains an open-outcry trading floor for its 171 members .

    它在2008年开始电子交易,但为其171家会员保留了公开喊价 交易 大厅

  • The most horrible moment of my working life was when I was employed on a trading floor and one day got into such a muddle that instead of buying $ 10m I sold them instead .

    我职业生涯中最恐怖的时刻,发生在在一家 交易所就职的时候:有一天,我的头脑是如此混乱,本应买入1000万美元,结果却卖出了。

  • Interestingly he says there are some similarities between his old job and his new one : I was on a trading floor and it 's not as different as you might think .

    有趣的是,他表示,他的新旧工作之间有一些相似之处:我曾在 交易 中,而这不像你可能认为的那样不同。

  • The New York Stock Exchange will close its trading floor Monday the first time it has done so since the Sept. 11 2001 terror attacks joining other businesses along the East Coast altering their routine because of Hurricane Sandy .

    纽约证券交易所周一将关闭 交易 大厅,这在2011年9.11恐怖袭击事件之后尚属首次。此前,东海岸另外的一些企业也表示,因受飓风桑迪(Sandy)影响将调整营业时间。

  • Nothing like that exists when you 're trading mechanically off the floor but you 'll still feel similar impulses every now and then .

    你在 场外机械 交易不会那么差,但时不时也会有类似的冲动。

  • At about a quarter to three he walked outside and had somebody call downstairs to the trading floor .

    大约在2点45分,他走出会议室,并让人给楼下的 交易 打电话。

  • Retention of the trading floor is open to debate but immediate closure seems unlikely .

    是否保留 交易 大厅还有待讨论,但马上关闭似乎并不可能。

  • But showing emotion on the trading floor is still a controversial subject .

    但在 交易 场所感情用事仍是个有争议的话题。

  • The 49 traders who volunteered for the experiment came from an unnamed bank which employs about 200 men on its high-frequency trading floor – and just three women .

    志愿参与此次实验的49名交易员来自一家名称不详的银行。该行从事高频 交易 交易员中大约有200名是男性,仅有3名是女性。

  • In past experiments conducted on a London trading floor Mr Coates saw cortisol levels in traders'saliva jump by as much as500 % in a day .

    过去对伦敦 交易场的研究, Coates见过交易员唾液中的皮质醇水平在一天中激涨至500%。

  • Meanwhile it emerged that SocGen is planning a significant reinforcement of its risk control systems that will shift the balance of power from the trading floor to the back office and could rein in the growth of its star profit generator .

    与此同时,有消息称,兴业银行正计划大力加强其风险控制体系,把更多权力从 交易 转向后台,并可能约束其明星盈利业务的发展。

  • A property rights trading market shall provide the floor facilities information and other services for transactions of property rights .

    产权 交易市场应当为产权交易提供 场所、设施和信息等服务。

  • Business has been brisk on the trading floor .

    交易 内的生意一直很红火。

  • If a live trader is interested they can be transferred to Chicago to begin trading from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange trading floor .

    因此,你首先必须是一名期货 交易员才能理解你想用程序实施的策略。

  • Meantime on the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange traders showed visible signs of relief .

    与此同时,纽约证券交易所内的 交易员们显示出明显的放松迹象。

  • Xinhua future central market country will have a larger development the gradual transformation of studio-style trading floor building a modern large-scale wholesale markets .

    今后的新华集贸中心市场将会有一个更大的发展,逐步改造棚式 交易 大厅,建设现代化大型批发市场。

  • From 3rd of June 1997 onwards Colombo stock exchange trading system converted from an open outcry system to an automated trading floor along with the installation of a screen based trading system .

    从1997年6月3日起,科伦坡证券交易所交易系统,从公开喊价系统转换成自动化 交易 大厅并安装了基于该交易系统的屏幕显示。

  • That is why there is a difference between the relationships between the customer and the provider that we find in the pharmacy or observe on the trading floor .

    这就是我们在药店和在 交易所观察到的客户与供应商之间的关系存在差异的原因。