trade pact

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[经] 贸易协定

  • Since it was negotiated in 2007 the trade pact has stalled after opposition in the US Congress and from US car companies .

    两国于2007年开始谈判,但在美国国会和美国汽车制造商提出反对后,该 协定一直被搁置。

  • Japan has expressed interest in joining the regional trade pact .

    日本表示有意加入这一地区 贸易 协定

  • The US Chamber of Commerce tried to use the forum to table a transatlantic trade pact that would reduce tariffs on goods .

    美国商会(USChamberofCommerce)试图利用此次论坛,提出一项跨大西洋、旨在削减商品关税的 贸易 协定草案。

  • Dozens of Taiwanese students at times numbering as many as 1 have occupied the government 's legislature since last week to protest the trade pact .

    数十名台湾学生(有时多达1000人)自上周起一直占领着台湾立法院,抗议台湾和大陆之间的 贸易 协定

  • We are working to ensure that the TPP is the first trade pact designed specifically to reduce barriers for small and medium-sized enterprises .

    我们正在努力确保跨太平洋伙伴关系成为专门为中小型企业减少壁垒的第一个 贸易 协议

  • The protesters say a services trade pact signed with China last year is detrimental to Taiwan and the entire negotiation process lacked transparency .

    抗议者们表示,台湾去年与大陆签署的服 协定不利于台湾,而且整个协商流程缺乏透明度。

  • The prospect of such penalties should deter objectionable currency practices by trade pact participants .

    实施这种惩罚的可能性应会遏制 贸易 协议参与者采取令人反感的汇率做法。

  • Ecuador Panama Costa Rica Colombia and Peru want those rules overhauled before accepting a new global trade pact which requires consensus among the WTO's153 members to be clinched .

    厄瓜多尔、巴拿马、哥斯达黎加、哥伦比亚和秘鲁等国希望在接受新的全球 贸易 协定之前先废除这些旧 条约,新的全球 贸易 协定需得到世贸组织153个成员国的一致同意才可生效。

  • Taiwan 's parliament has approved a wide-ranging trade pact with China .

    台湾议会通过了与中国大陆的大宗 贸易 协定

  • Signing of the cross-strait economic co-operation framework agreement a free trade pact has suffered repeated delays .

    两岸自由 贸易 协定“经济合作框架协议”(ecfa)的签署,也一再遭到拖延。

  • Only two countries now involved in the trade pact negotiations – Malaysia and Singapore – have been recent manipulators .

    在现在参与这些 贸易 协议谈判的国家中,只有两个国家马来西亚和新加坡最近在操纵汇率。

  • American politician predicted in the early1990s that a trade pact with Mexico would create a'giant sucking sound'as jobs headed south .

    一个美国平民论政治家在90年代早期就曾经预测到,随着工作趋势的南向发展,墨西哥的 贸易 合约将创造一个巨大的乳臭未干的声音。

  • Concluding the Trans-Pacific Partnership a 12-nation next generation trade pact would be a good start .

    达成《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(TPP),一个包含12个国家的新一代 贸易 协定,将是一个好的开始。

  • Further opening up of market access is expected with the signing of a broad trade pact later this year .

    今年晚些时候签署广泛的 贸易 协定后,预期 两岸 将进一步开放市场准入。

  • Mr Obama launched the Trans-Pacific Partnership a so-called 21st century trade pact meant to incorporate non-tariff issues such as intellectual property protection and state procurement .

    这个所谓的21世纪 贸易 协定旨在纳入一些非关税问题,比如知识产权保护和政府采购。

  • Costa Rica is the third Latin American country to sign a free trade pact with China . The pact came into effect in August 2011 .

    哥斯达黎加是第三个同中国签订自由 贸易 协定的拉美国家,这个协定于2011年8月正式生效。

  • The president cautioned however that talks to discuss a broader trade pact with Washington scheduled originally for this month would be quite heavily affected .

    不过,台湾总统告诫说,原定本月举行、旨在探讨更广泛台美 贸易 协定的会谈,将受到相当严重的影响。

  • It is the most significant trade pact for the United States since the1994 North America Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico .

    它是美国自1994年与加拿大和墨西哥签订《北美自由贸易协定》后最重要的 贸易 协定

  • For months they have been waiting for Washington politics to play out so they can conclude what would be the biggest trade pact in two decades .

    几个月以来,它们一直等待华盛顿政界走完程序,以使它们可以敲定这个20年来最大的 贸易 协定

  • Japan yesterday became the first Asian nation to conclude negotiations with South-East Asia on a comprehensive trade pact ahead of five other countries in the region expected to sign similar deals .

    日本昨日成为与东南亚国家就一项全面 贸易 协定完成谈判的首个亚洲国家,比该地区其它5个预计会签署类似协议的国家领先一步。

  • Seong says if ratified the trade pact may hurt Korea 's agricultural sector but provide a boost for manufacturers .

    宋荣馆说,如果这项美韩自由 贸易 协定获得批准,也许会对韩国的农业造成伤害,但是有利于韩国的制造业。

  • Meanwhile China Japan and South Korea are laying the groundwork for their own three-way trade pact despite some geopolitical tensions .

    与此同时,尽管存在一些地缘政治紧张,但中日韩三国正为签订三边 贸易 协定做准备工作。

  • ASEAN nations agree on the outline of a free trade pact with japan that could be signed as early as november .

    东南亚国家协会国家和日本决定自由 贸易 协定的大纲,那可能最早十一月被签署。

  • However the island 's Bureau of Foreign Trade estimates that Taiwan 's annual gross domestic product will likely rise by more than half a percentage point under the trade pact .

    台湾国际贸易局(BureauofForeignTrade)预计, 协议成功,台湾每年的本地生产总值(GDP)可能上升0.5个百分点以上。

  • Apart from a retraction of the trade pact the protesters want a pledge from all lawmakers across party lines to implement a monitoring mechanism to oversee all future cross-strait deals .

    除了取消服 协议之外,抗议者还要求各党派的所有立法委员承诺建立相关监督机制,监督未来的所有两岸协议。

  • But since the two sides signed a historic trade pact in June Taiwan has raised its international profile and has begun free trade talks with Singapore .

    但自从双方在6月份签署历史性的 贸易 协定以来,台湾已抬高其国际姿态,开始与新加坡进行自由贸易谈判。

  • To remedy the alleged lack of trade negotiations Mr Romney has also proposed a Reagan economic zone a trade pact bringing together like-minded free-trade countries .

    为了解决所谓贸易谈判不力的问题,罗姆尼还提出成立“里根经济区”(reaganeconomiczone),通过一项 贸易 协定把立场一致的自由贸易国联合起来。