training pattern

[ˈtrenɪŋ ˈpætən][ˈtreiniŋ ˈpætən]

[计] 训练模式

  • Theoretical Analysis on Reformation of Talent Training Pattern and Training Project

    人才 培养 模式与培养方案改革的理论分析

  • Comparative Analysis between Enterprise Demand and Talents Training Pattern of Environmental Engineering

    环境工程专业 培养 模式与企业需求现状比较分析

  • Comparative Analysis on Junior Training Pattern of the Professional Football Club between Europe and South America

    欧洲与南美职业足球俱乐部青少年 培训 模式的比较研究

  • Training Pattern of Transformation-type Tour Guide under the Ecotourism Background

    生态旅游背景下的转化型导游 培训 模式

  • Influences of Perturbation of Training Pattern Pairs on Monolithic Fuzzy Neural Networks

    训练 模式对的摄动对单体模糊神经网络的影响

  • Study on the Training Pattern of Compound Talents of English Major

    外语专业复合型人才 培养 模式的研究

  • Research and Practice of Innovative Talents Training Pattern Based on SRT Plan

    SRT计划创新人才 培养 模式的研究与实践

  • Exploration on Project Management Ability-Oriented Training Pattern of Business Administration Undergraduates

    注重工程管理能力的工商管理本科 培养 模式

  • Study on the Listening and reading Training Pattern for the Impact of English Fast-reading Ability of College Students

    听读 训练 模式对大学生英语快速阅读能力影响的研究

  • Opinion on Application of Order Form Talents Training Pattern in Military Institute of Professional Education

    刍议订单式人才 培养 模式及其在军事任职教育院校的运用

  • Explorations and Reflections on Specialty Development and Personnel Training Pattern in Higher Vocational College Based on Biological Species Propagation and Competition Strategy

    高职院校专业发展和人才 培养 模式探索与思考&基于生物繁殖竞争策略

  • Order-oriented education is a new talent training pattern in vocational and technical colleges which is run by the colleges and the enterprises .

    “订单教育”是高职高专一种新型的校企合作办学的人才 培养 模式

  • The undergraduate tutorial system has been tried out as a particular training pattern in many colleges and universities .

    本科生导师制作为一种独特的 育人 模式在我国高校多有试行。

  • On the Training Pattern of Compound Talents in Environmental Science in newly-built Applied Undergraduate Colleges

    新建应用型本科院校环境科学复合人才 培养 模式初探

  • Characteristics of Tourism Management Program Relied on History and Its Talent Training Pattern

    历史学科背景下旅游管理专业内涵特色与人才 培养 模式

  • Training pattern characterized by integrating work and study in vocational colleges has now been internationally acknowledged as an effective way to foster practical talents .

    高职院校工学结合的 人才 培养 模式已成为国际职业教育公认的实用型人才培养的有效途径。

  • Conceiving of 2 + 3 Talent Training Pattern of Work-study Alternation for Logistics Major in Vocational Colleges

    高职物流专业2+3工学交替人才 培养 模式构建设想

  • Application of rotation training pattern for continuing education of nurses with high past service in operating room

    轮转 培训 模式在手术室高年资护士继续教育中应用

  • In short the merits and practice of the legal professional training pattern in Great Britain deserve our study and reference .

    英国的法律职业人才 培养 模式有可供我们学习借鉴的优点和经验。

  • Study of Personnel Training Pattern of Logistics Engineering Undergraduate in Agriculture and Forestry Colleges

    农林院校物流工程专业本科人才 培养 模式探讨

  • Founds own personnel training pattern diligently .

    努力创建自己的人才 培养 模式

  • Studies on Open Training Pattern of Multiple Abilities and Application-oriented Personnel of Four-year Tourism Management

    旅游管理本科专业复合型应用性人才开放式 培养 模式初探

  • Research on the Project Management-based Military Training Pattern of the Group Army

    基于项目管理的集团军军事 训练管理 模式研究

  • Higher Vocational Education Machinery Specialized Foundation Skill Training Pattern and Practice

    高职机械专业基础技能 训练 模式与实践

  • Constructing Elastic Order Talent Training Pattern for Business English Majors in Vocational College

    高职商务英语专业弹性订单式人才 培养 模式的构建

  • Analysis on Talents Training Pattern of the Western Mining Engineering Characteristic Subject

    西部矿业特色优势学科人才 培养 模式分析

  • The Thoughts about Reinforcement and Development of the Training Pattern in the Vacational College of the Ordered Class

    高职订单班 人才 培养巩固与发展的思考

  • Research and Practice on Engineering Application-oriented Talents Training Pattern of Local College

    地方本科院校工程应用型人才 培养 模式的研究与实践