trade on

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  • We trade on the principle of equality and mutual benefit .

    我们 平等互利的原则进行 贸易

  • The Effect of Overseas Traffic and Trade on Guangzhou City Development in Ancient China

    我国古代海外交通和 贸易 对于广州城市发展的影响

  • Life became as profitable and wild as it had been during the best days of trade on the canal .

    这里的生活又像运河 贸易最好的时期那样有利可图和令人兴奋了。

  • Technical Barriers to Trade on Textile Industry in 2009 : Analysis and Countermeasure

    纺织行业技术性 贸易环境分析及2009趋势应对

  • The OECD said it needed to reassess the impact of freer trade on workers because a wedge had appeared between the rosy analysis put forward by economists and the much more sceptical view of the general public .

    经合组织表示,对于更为自由的 贸易 员工的影响,有必要进行重新评估。因为在经济学家给出的乐观分析与普通大众更为怀疑的看法之间,存在着裂痕。

  • Trade on the Nasdaq stock market went uninterrupted and the impact was minimal .

    证劵交易所的 交易没有间断,期间的损失很小。

  • However with capital markets expanding many diaspora executives returning to Africa to work and intra-Africa trade on the rise this is likely to change over the next five years .

    然而,在未来5年里,随着非洲资本市场不断扩张,许多散居海外的非洲高管返回非洲工作,以及非洲内部 贸易逐渐增长,情况很可能会发生变化。

  • Exchange-traded funds resemble index-oriented mutual funds and trade on an exchange like a stock .

    ETF类似于指数型共同基金,也像股票一样 交易所上市 交易

  • A Study on the Effects of International Trade on China 's Technology Progress

    国际 贸易 我国技术进步的作用研究

  • Unlike other commodities uranium itself does not trade on any exchanges .

    铀不同于其它商品,它本身并不 任何交易所进行 交易

  • He was a man who traded on the achievements of others .

    他是个不惜利用他人成就作 脚石的人。

  • I 'd like very much to do business with China as you trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit with all countries big or small .

    我很愿意和中国做生意,因为你们 无论 大国还是小国都是平等对待,在平等互利的基础上做 买卖

  • The Model of Impact of Import and Export Trade on the Inflation and Corresponding Analysis

    进出口 贸易 通货膨胀的影响模型分析

  • • perhaps most striking at least for statfor itself is the revelation that the company was planning to create a fund called stratcap through which it would trade on intelligence information it gathered .

    •可能最令人震惊的消息,至少对于Statfor而言,是有邮件显示该公司正在计划设立一只名为 StratCap的基金, 根据公司搜集的情报信息进行投资 交易

  • Take Mead Johnson Nutrition in the US spun off by Bristol-Myers Squibb . Its sales and earnings grew 14 per cent and 15 per cent respectively in 2011 and its shares trade on 26 times forward earnings .

    以百时美施贵宝(Bristol-MyersSquibb)剥离的美国美赞臣(MeadJohnsonNutrition)为例,其2011年销售收入和利润分别增长了14%和15%,其股票的预期 市盈率达到26倍。

  • The company also has American depositary receipts that trade on the New York Stock Exchange .

    该公司的美国存托凭证(ADR) 纽约证交所 交易

  • Chinese futures companies and funds as well as foreign companies which have wholly-owned subsidiaries in China can also trade on the exchange through domestic brokers .

    除了中国的期货公司和基金公司,在华拥有全资子公司的外国公司,也可以通过国内经纪商 上海期货交易所进行 交易

  • Effects of Technology and Trade on Earnings and Distribution

    技术和 国际 贸易 收入与分配的影响

  • These are man-made labels and we should be careful not to trade on our label of christians .

    这些都是人为的标签,而我们要小心,不要对 贸易的帽子基督徒。

  • We always attach great importance to developing Sino-American trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit .

    我们一贯重视 平等互利的基础 发展中美 贸易

  • The Spillover Effect of International Trade on China 's Innovation Capacity

    国际 贸易 中国技术创新能力的溢出效应

  • Even now the shares of some small companies such as Nanjing Panda Electronics and Sinopec Yizheng Chemical trade on mainland markets at about 4 ? times their Hong Kong price .

    即使是现在,一些 内地市场 交易的小公司股票,比如南京熊猫电子(NanjingPandaElectronics)和中国石化仪征化纤(SinopecYizhengChemical),其股价还相当于香港市场的4.5倍左右。

  • Do they trade on that information ?

    他们 利用这些信息进行 交易吗?

  • For such firms being able to trade on multiple platforms and arbitraging between price differentials on them is important to their trading strategies .

    对这些公司来说,能够 多个平台开展 交易,并利用其中的价差进行套利,对它们的交易战略十分重要。

  • The bonds can only be issued via private placement to qualified investors but subsequently trade on the stock exchange .

    这类债券只能通过私人配售,向有资质的投资者发行,但后来可 股市上 交易

  • What 's effect of Indian Ocean tsunami vigorous to fishery trade on China and related areas ?

    印度洋大海啸将 中国与相应地区渔业 贸易有何影响?

  • Moreover the IMF forecasts that the current account deficit – the balance of trade on goods and services – will be more than 7 per cent of GDP this year .

    IMF还预测,今年希腊的经常账户赤字(商品和服务 贸易余额)将达到GDP的7%以上。

  • Although it had not a few similarities as compared to the rising forces of western capitalism of its trade on the seas it took a total Chinese way of developing market economy as it is seen by its traces of development .

    其发展虽与西方新兴资本主义 海上 贸易势力的发展特点有许多相似之处,但从其发展轨迹来看,走的是一条完全中国式的市场经济发展的道路。

  • With E-commerce platform stu-dents are instructed to carry out trade on line by project practice approach .

    尝试着借助于电子商务平台,按“项目实习法”指导学生开展 网上 贸易实习活动。